The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities has proudly honored the following individuals and organizations at the Peninsula Chapter Humanitarian Awards Dinners (biographical information accurate at the time the award was presented):
Carolyn S. Abbitt (2014)
Evelyn W. Adams (1994)
Martha M. Ailor (1986)
Charles C. Allen (2008)
Samuel Althaus (2001)
Rona Altschuler (2001)
An Achievable Dream* (2002)
Michael G. Anastasiou (2009)
Hunter B. Andrews** (2002)
Marika E. Anthony (2002)
Fredrick S. & Helen O. Arnold (2005)
Mohammed Asadi (2003)
Carlton S. Ashby (2020)
Effie C. Ashe (2006)
George C. Austin (1977)
Richard M. Bagley (1978)
Sue Anne Bangel (1980)
James E. Barnett, Jr. (2011)
Herbert H. Bateman (1991)
Michael A. Battle, Sr. (1995)
Xavier L. Beale (2024)
Alonzo R. Bell, Jr. (2017)
Ruth Y. Berlin (1986)
Golden H. Bethune-Hill (2010)
Mary V. Bicouvaris (2000)
David G. Blalock (1976)
Franklin O. Blechman (1969)
Frank R. Bloxom, Jr. (1989)
Timothy Tee Boddie (2006)
Robert D. Bonner (1993)
Marian Bowditch (1998)
Willits Bowditch (posthumously) (1998)
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula* (2007)
Harrol A. Brauer, Jr. (1980)
Gerald R. Brink (1997)
Albert T. Brout (1971)
Donna Young Brown (1983)
Jenever Hill Brown (2013)
Theodore R. Bunch (1986)
T. Melvin Butler (1977)
Sam Canavos (1999)
Christopher C. Carter, Sr. (2022)
Arthur S. Casey (1989)
Flora D. Chioros (2007)
George Chioros (2020)
Thomas P. Chisman (1976)
Mary T. Christian (1988)
Barbara W. Clexton (1985)
Shirley F. Cooper (1989)
Flora Crittenden (1999)
Robert J. Curtin (1987)
Gordon B. Cutler (1971)
George C. Cypress (1982)
Christine M. Darden (1994)
E. D. “Buddy” David (2003)
Elizabeth B. David (1995)
Jennifer O. David (2021)
Joshua M. David (2019)
Martha E. Dawson (1991)
L. Duane DeBlasio (2002)
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. – Newport News Alumnae Chapter* (2012)
Katherine G. Dermanis (2021)
Alan A. Diamonstein (1977)
Lillian Diamonstein (1998)
William B. Downey (2018)
Thomas N. Downing, Jr. (1972)
Erwin B. Drucker (1983)
Rona Mound Drucker (1972)
Wendy C. Drucker (2018)
Dorothy B. Duffy (1987)
James L. & Midge J. Eason (1993)
Inettie Banks Edwards (1992)
Katherine S. Edwards (2019)
William R. Ermatinger (2017)
Jack L. Ezzell, Jr. (2005)
Emanuel E. Falk (1970)
Ferguson Enterprises Inc.* (2005)
A.J.Z. “Abe” Firestone (2008)
Ben Fiscella (1971)
Debra A. Flores (2016)
Sarah E. Forbes (2007)
Sharyn L. Fox (2022)
Jane Susan Frank (1997)
Joe S. Frank (1997)
Kenneth R. Frantz (2011)
Robert L. “Bobby” Freeman, Jr. (2016)
Sylvester Frooks (1980)
Paul W. Garman (2009)
Tommy Garner (2015)
Greg Garrett (2012)
Gordon L. Gentry, Jr. (1984)
A. Jack Georgalas (2001)
Ethel M. Gildersleeve (1990)
W. Fanchon Glover (2021)
Alfred Goldstein (1987)
Ralph M. Goldstein (1995)
Jerome Gordon (2000)
William M. Grace (1987)
Janet V. Green (2020)
Pamela V. Hammond (2009)
Hampton University* (2003)
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute* (2018)
Chavis W. Harris (2015)
Norma B. Harvey (1997)
William R. Harvey (1984)
William R. & Norma B. Harvey ** (2023)
Philip L. Hatchett (2018)
Robert Hatten (1998)
Howard E. Heard (2013)
Anne W. Henry (2016)
Everette A. “Teddy” Hicks, Sr. (2018)
Charlie W. Hill (2009)
Carolyn C.W. & William A. Hines (2000)
Jerome Hogge, Jr. (posthumously) (1996)
Jerome H. Holland (1970)
Thaddeus B. Holloman, Sr. (2004)
Mary Sherwood Holt (1995)
H.V. Hooper (1969)
Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads* (2021)
Marie Y. Hughes (1990)
Carlisle H. Humelsine (1982)
Elva Williams Hunt (2010)
Syed Ismail (2024)
Joni L. Ivey (2003)
Rabia Jafri (2023)
John L. Johnson (1986)
Mary E. Johnson (2005)
Allen R. Jones, Jr. (2011)
Francis W. Jones (1994)
Eugene M. Jordan, II (2024)
Anna Lee Kahn (1982)
Ettalea E. Kanter (2002)
Steven S. Kast (2011)
Rena N. Kates (posthumously) (1993)
Martha B. Katz-Hyman (2015)
Herbert V. Kelly, Sr. (2000)
Rufus R. Kennedy, Sr. (1981)
Ann H. Kilgore (1970)
Ashby C. Kilgore (2015)
Joshua N. King, Sr. (2023)
Suzanne G. Kokorelis (2006)
Stavroula Kostaki-Gailey (1993)
Lackey Free Family Medicine Clinic: James & Cooka Shaw* (2004)
Karl F. Lanier (1975)
Roy H. Lasris (2006)
Joseph H. Latchum, Jr. (2013)
Wayne D. Lett (2001)
Betty N. Levin (1979)
Eugene M. Levin (1985)
Guy G. Levy (2017)
Mayer G. Levy (2012)
Arthur R. Lieverman (1975)
Steven C. Lindemann (1991)
Mamie E. Locke (2002)
Artie Lolos (1996)
Anthony C. Long (2000)
Wayne A. MacMasters (2013)
James E. Maloney (1991)
Mary Margaret (1973)
John Marks (1992)
Mary P. Mathews (1984)
Nick Mathews (1976)
Rhoda H. Mazur (1984)
Lewis A. McMurran, Jr. (1974)
Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson (2022)
Christine B. Mignogna (2011)
Billie M. Millner (2007)
Pat G. Minetti (1982)
Lynne Moore (1999)
Herbert Morewitz (1990)
Louis G. Morris (2014)
John P. Mugler (1981)
Kenneth B. Murov (2010)
Sonya R. Nachman (2004)
Newport News Shipbuilding* (1995)
David Ann Niski (2004)
Lloyd U. Noland, Jr. (1969)
Andrew T. “Tom” Olaisen (2019)
Charles Olshansky (1981)
Edward M. Olshansky (1989)
One Hundred Black Men of America, Inc., Virginia Peninsula Chapter* (2019)
Patient Advocate Foundation* (2008)
Albert Woodfin Patrick, Jr. (1995)
Donald N. Patten (1980)
David L. Peebles (1979)
Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center* (2024)
Peninsula READS* (2020)
People to People* (2001)
Selma “BeBe” Petock (2005)
C. Michael And Nancy B. Petters (2020)
John Mallory Phillips (1983)
W.R. “Pat” Phillips (1996)
Mae Barbee Pleasant (2007)
McKinley L. Price (1996)
Valerie S. Price (2020)
Medford G. “Bud” Ramey (2006)
Jessie M. Rattley (1976)
Theodore R. Reiff & Anthony R. Santoro (2023)
Dwight S. Riddick, Sr. (2012)
Riverside Foundation* (2013)
Joanne K. Roos (1988)
William T. Roos (1973)
Dois I. Rosser, Jr. (1988)
William T. Saunders, Jr. (1994)
Sylvia H. Scholnick (2009)
C. Waldo Scott (1978)
Robert C. Scott (1985)
Walter S. Segaloff (1974)
Conway H. Sheild III (2004)
Robert F. Shuford (1985)
Robert F. Shuford, Jr. (2022)
Melvin R. Simpson (1989)
Brian K. Skinner (2015)
Jeffery O. Smith (2019)
Margaret D. Smith (1984)
Alfred W. Soter (1993)
Doretha J. Spells (2014)
Turner M. Spencer (1998)
Joycelyn Spight Roache (2021)
Harriet Storm (1996)
Jennifer E. Stuebbe (2012)
Timothy J. Sullivan (1998)
Alexis N. Swann (2019)
Kevin G. Swann (2021)
Thomas Thompson (1992)
Ann Darling & James H. Tormey (2003)
Rosemary D. Trible (2016)
Helmuth W. ‘Chip’ Trieshmann (2022)
Mark L. Tysinger (2018)
Anna VanBuren (2005)
William R. VanBuren, Jr. (1983)
Jeffrey C. Verhoef (2022)
Nick G. Vlahakis (2024)
Nicholas E. Vlattas (2010)
W.M. Jordan Company* (2010)
Philip S. Walker (1979)
W.R. Walker, Jr. (1972)
George E. & Mary K. Wallace (2017)
Raymond W. Walsh (2017)
Molly Joseph Ward** (2014)
John W. Warner** (1997)
Raymond G. Washington (1994)
Howard B. Waters (1999)
Leonard R. Waters (1978)
Henry Douglas Watson (2008)
Sylvia S. Weinstein Craft (2013)
Caleb D. West, Jr. (1973)
Stuart L. Whiting (1974)
Gwendolyn R. Williams (2024)
Y.B. Williams, Jr. (1981)
Vickie R. Williams-Cullins (2014)
Wayne Williamson (1999)
Wesley C. Wilson (2009)
Alan S. Witt (2010)
Joseph R. Witt (2016)
Hiram & Adelaine Wolf (1992)
Richard Woodward (1992)
Stephen J. Wright (1990)
Robert M. Yacobi (1978)
Robert E. Yancey (1988)
Nhu Q. Yeargin (2011)
Jean M. Yokum (2008)
Chris S. Zambas (2004)
Jeanne Zeidler (2007)
Victor A. Zodda (1979)
* indicates Distinguished Merit Citation
** indicates Distinguished Virginian Award
Carolyn S. Abbitt (2014) – Carolyn believes when you decide to help someone else, you will receive far more in spirit than you could ever give. Starting with her family and motivated by the caring, humble example of her late husband Richard, Carolyn has given of herself in quiet ways that make a difference. She currently serves on the boards of Abbitt Realty and Abbitt Management, the Hampton Roads American Red Cross, the advisory board of the Virginia Living Museum, and the Peninsula School for Autism. Carolyn is also a member of the Junior League of Hampton Roads and the Huntington Garden Club. She has served as a member of the Newport News Art Commission for nine years as well as several terms on the board of the Association for the Study of Childhood Cancer, affiliated with MCV-VCU in Richmond. (return to top)
Evelyn W. Adams (1994) – Mrs. Adams owns and operates Jan-Mar Beauty Academy in Newport News. She is a member of the Christopher Newport University President’s Council, Soviet Resettlement Committee, Link Board for the Homeless and Underprivileged, and the Newport News Democratic Women’s Club. (return to top)
Charles C. Allen (2008) – After completing his ROTC training and graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture from Hampton University, Charles C. Allen served on active duty in the U.S. Army Reserve. He earned his Master of Science degree in Urban Planning from Columbia University’s School of Architecture. Active in civic affairs, he has served on the Newport News City Council since 1992 and as the city’s Vice Mayor since 1996. Vice Mayor Allen has also served as President of the National Association of Planners. An active member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, he serves on the Board of the Urban League of Hampton Roads, is a charter member of the VA Peninsula Chapter of 100 Black Men of America, and a former board member of the Office of Human Affairs of Newport News. Listed in Who’s Who among Black Americans, he is a caring family man, married to Dr. Sallie Tucker Allen. (return to top)
Samuel Althaus (2001) – A native of Poland and a Holocaust survivor, Samuel Althaus has been a U.S. citizen and a Newport News businessman for nearly 50 years. Now retired from his business, Althaus Delicatessen & Caterers, his community-related activities have often involved assistance and financial support to needy individuals. In addition, he has amassed untold hours sharing the history of the Holocaust with school children and civic groups. In his private and unassuming manner, Mr. Althaus has reached out to neighbors and strangers alike to make Newport News a better place for all to live. (return to top)
Rona Altschuler (2001) – Born, schooled, married, and employed in the Newport News area, Rona Altschuler is highly committed to her community. She is a member of The National Council of Jewish Women and of Organization for Rehabilitation and Training, a private, non-sectarian service group. She serves on the boards of Contact Peninsula and the American Cancer Society. Since 1997, Mrs. Altschuler has chaired the ACS Relay for Life, helping to make it one of the most successful in the nation. (return to top)
An Achievable Dream (2002) – With An Achievable Dream, founder Walter Segaloff has fostered a partnership between the business community and the Newport News Public Schools to give children who are at risk in school, due to socioeconomic factors, a chance to succeed. Generous support from the Peninsula community allows “Dreamers” from pre-school through twelfth grade more access to tools for success, character education, and the individual attention they deserve. (return to top)
Michael G. Anastasiou (2009) – Born in New York City to Cypriot immigrant parents, Michael G. Anastasiou moved with his family to Newport News in 1943. He is a retired insurance agent who participates in the Southern Correctional Ministry, ministering to inmates detained in federal and state penitentiaries. An active volunteer in his church, Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Anastasiou also assists with home construction for Habitat for Humanity and prepares and distributes meals for the homeless with the Foodbank. A board member for International Seamen’s Friend House, he provides assistance to maritime seamen when their ships come to port. Mike and his wife are proud parents of three daughters. (return to top)
Hunter B. Andrews (2002) – Senator Hunter B. Andrews is deemed to be a DISTINGUISHED VIRGINIAN by virtue of his lifelong dedication to his Country, his Commonwealth, and his City. A native of Hampton, Senator Andrews has served with distinction and honor, as a veteran of World War II, a Senator of Virginia for over thirty years, and a leader on numerous community boards with an emphasis on universal quality education. (return to top)
Marika E. Anthony (2002) – Dr. Marika E. Anthony, a native of Greece, has focused her teaching career on her belief that true learning must continue beyond the confines of the classroom. In untiring efforts to develop an informed citizenry, she has created special courses on U.S. foreign policy, coached Model U.N. teams, and initiated an annual citizenship assembly for students. Dr. Anthony offers her services for the betterment of society through her numerous professional, civic, and philanthropic activities in the Newport News community. (return to top)
Fredrick S. & Helen O. Arnold (2005) – In addition to his private practice of urology in Gloucester, Dr. Fredrick Sanders Arnold has served the community as co-founder and medical director of the Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic; board member for Riverside Walter Reed Hospital; and past president and Paul Harris Fellow of the Gloucester Rotary Club. He travels as a medical missionary 2-3 times a year to deliver medical care to a rural clinic in Haiti. He has been named Outstanding Volunteer by Gloucester County Parks and Recreation and 2003 Volunteer of the Year by the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce. Fred met his wife, Helen, when they were both attending the Medical College of Virginia. They have three grown sons. A Newport News native, Helen Orphanidys Arnold is a physical therapist for Tidewater Physical Therapy. Her community activities include development of screening protocol and training of volunteers at the Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic; president of the Mid-Tidewater Medical Society Auxiliary; and member of the Virginia State Board of Physical Therapy. She has traveled as a medical missionary to India, Ghana, and twice to Kenya on month long visits to teach young women health and hygiene, cooking, sewing, and English, thereby helping them develop skills to earn a living and manage a family. She also travels to Haiti 2-3 times a year to provide medical assistance, physical therapy equipment and skills to help the impoverished. (return to top)
Mohammed Asadi (2003) – Mohammed Asadi is resident Imam of Al-Qubaa Islamic Center in Newport News. An African in America, he has been striving in the religion of Al-Islam for forty years, as a student of Imam W. D. Mohammed (American Society of Muslims). Mr. Asadi has provided religious instruction to correctional facility inmates and has been a resource consultant for military chaplains on the East Coast. Pursuing his belief of the importance of the responsibility of community and the role of the individual relating to the oneness of humanity, he has served on Boards for NCCJ, C. Waldo Scott Center for Hope, and American Society of Muslims. Mr. Asadi has also chaired committees dedicated to community unity and preservation, such as CRUCIAL, Emancipation Observance Day Committee, and the Walter Reed School Building Outreach Committee. (return to top)
Carlton S. Ashby (2020) – Carlton S. Ashby is a life-long educator. He retired as a classroom teacher after nearly 40 years, serving the entire time in a Title 1 school setting with children from low socio-economic backgrounds. Today, Carlton is a Primary Enrichment Teacher for the Young Achievers Academy at Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple. In addition, he conducts a Teen Leadership Academy for students during the summer months. Carlton served as a school board member for Newport News Public Schools for three terms, including two years as Chair and two years as Vice Chair. During his tenure, on-time graduation rates increased from 72.3% to 93.4%. In the community, Carlton supports several programs for youth including Junior Temples, Young Gavels/Junior Toastmasters, Hampton University’s Head, Hand and Heart Institute, Innovative Scholars Program, Youth Meals on Wheels and Saturday Mentoring. A native of Long Island, New York, Carlton is a graduate of Hampton University and he later went on to earn a Master’s Degree from The College of William & Mary. (return to top)
Effie C. Ashe (2006) – Active in her community, church, and city government, Effie C. Ashe is a well-known advocate who works hard to help her city understand and enjoy cultural, racial and religious differences in order to appreciate the rich diversity while living together harmoniously. Her service includes 13 years on the Board of the Office of Human Affairs, three terms on the Newport News School Board, membership on the People to People Board, and charter board member of the C. Waldo Scott Center for H.O.P.E. Among her many awards and honors are a scholarship named in her honor at Heritage High School, and a senior citizens home dedicated in honor of Effie and Wilbert, her husband of 54 years. The couple have two sons and four grandsons. (return to top)
George C. Austin (1977) – Native of Montclair, New Jersey, graduate of Hampton Institute and a veteran of the U. S. Navy, outstanding law enforcement official, joined the Newport News Police Department in 1947, became Virginia’s first black person to be named a lieutenant in 1963 and in a series of promotions first was chosen in 1975 as chief of the Newport News Police Department, in 1967 was named as one of the top ten police officers in the nation by Parade Magazine and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. (return to top)
Richard M. Bagley (1978) – Native of Hampton, graduate of V.P.I., served in U.S. Coast Guard in World War II, U.S.A.F. Reserve Major, successful businessman and community leader, has served as board member of multiple community organizations including the Peninsula Industrial Commission, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and the Langley Chapter of the Air Force Association, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates since 1966-chairman of the Appropriations Committee, a vestryman of St. John’s Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Sue Anne Bangel (1980) – Native of Newport News, a graduate of Adelphi University, mother of two daughters, an outstanding community leader, active in multiple religious and community organizations including among others a past president of Hampton Roads Section of the National Council of Jewish Women and the Auxiliary to the Newport News Medical Auxiliary, a past chairman of the Peninsula Youth Orchestra Steering Committee, Women’s Division Campaign of the Allied Jewish Appeal, former vice president of the Guild of the Peninsula Arts Association, a recipient of numerous awards including the Service Award of the Temple Sinai Sisterhood of which she is a past president. (return to top)
James E. Barnett, Jr. (2011) – County Attorney in York County, VA, representing the Board of Supervisors and all county agencies. Received a B.A. from Wake Forest University and graduated from Washington and Lee Law School with J.D. Co-founder of Homeless Week at Rodef Sholom Temple which provides meals and a place to spend nights for homeless individuals during the week of Christmas. Jim is instrumental in raising needed funds, coordinating the purchase of foods and the preparation of meals. He is a frequent participant in the York County Docent Program in which he introduces and educates students about the judicial system. The program is sponsored, in part, by the York-Poquoson Bar Association, of which he is a past president. Jim volunteers at Grafton High School with the Marching Band, handling all publicity to local media highlighting notable band accomplishments. He is also a member of Grafton Kiwanis Club, York Bar Association and United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. He and his wife are the parents of three children. (return to top)
Michael A. Battle, Sr. (1995) – Chaplain at Hampton University, is an instructor in Philosophy and Religion, serves as the Executive Secretary/Treasurer of the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference and is a chaplain in the United States Army Reserve. He has a Masters of Divinity degree from Duke University and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Howard University Divinity School. A Past President of the Hampton Branch of the NAACP, he also was a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Virginia State Conference of the NAACO and currently serves as Faculty Advisor for the Hampton University chapter. Mr. Battle has been actively involved in the public school arena, as president, vice president and board member of various PTAs. He has been a board member of the Hampton Red Cross, the Virginia Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, the Peninsula Boy Scouts and the King Street Community Center. Currently, Dr. Battle serves on the Board of Directors of the National Rainbow Coalition and Sickle Cell Anemia. The author of numerous publications, Dr. Battle is the recipient of many awards. He was named an Outstanding Young Man of America in 1976 and 1983, received the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Hampton NAACP in 1979 and 1980, was given the Community Service Award from WHOV-FM in 1986, and received the RECONDO from the U.S. Army in 1990. (return to top)
Xavier L. Beale (2024) – Xavier Beale is Vice President of Human Resources and Administration for Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of HII, located in Newport News, Virginia. Named to this position in 2022, Beale oversees all aspects of human resources administration, including employment, labor relations and recruitment, as well as Newport News Shipbuilding’s Apprentice School. He is actively involved in the community and serves on the Hampton Roads Community Action Program’s Board of Directors and the Hampton Roads Advisory Committee for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. Beale was appointed in 2023 by Governor Glenn Youngkin as the Vice Chair of the Virginia Board of Workforce Development and he also serves on the Board of Directors for the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education. Beale previously served on the Virginia African American Advisory Board and Virginia Living Museum’s Board of Trustees. He is also an active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and is committed to helping all Virginians reach their full potential.(return to top)
Alonzo R. Bell, Jr. (2017) – Mr. Bell is the principal broker with Randolph Real Estate Services Inc. in Newport News. He received his BSE from Princeton in Civil Engineering & Operations Research and is a graduate of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute, the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce Leadership Hampton Roads Program, the CIVIC Leadership Institute, and the Minority Business Executive Program at the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia. Alonzo is active in many organizations including the board of directors of the Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs, the Newport News Economic Development Authority-Industrial Development Authority, the Virginia Peninsula Chapter of the 100 Black Men of America, the Newport News Education Foundation, and the Newport News Alliance for Youth. He currently serves as the president of the Virginia Living Museum board of trustees. (return to top)
Golden H. Bethune-Hill (2010) – Golden H. Bethune-Hill recently retired as Executive Vice President at the Riverside Health System in Newport News, with responsibility for developing and implementing a healthcare strategy for the Southeast Community of Newport News. A graduate of North Carolina A. & T. State University with a Master’s Degree in Nursing from Virginia Commonwealth University, Golden has been honored by the Hampton Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Trinity Baptist Church of Newport News, 100 Black Men of the Virginia Peninsula, the Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the YWCA of the Virginia Peninsula. Golden, along with her husband and two physicians, is a founder of the Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum. (return to top)
Mary V. Bicouvaris (2000) – Dr. Mary V. Bicouvaris, recognized and honored throughout the academic community, has spent her professional life in the field of education. Currently Associate Professor of Education at Christopher Newport University, her years of teaching history, government and international studies have earned her Teacher of the Year awards at secondary school, state, and national levels. Dr. Bicouvaris serves as a consultant to both the Virginia and the U.S. Departments of Education and is much-published and respected in the area of national standards for history and social studies. (return to top)
David G. Blalock (1976) – Native of Durham, North Carolina, moved to the Peninsula at an early age, graduate of the University of Virginia and its law school, able attorney, practiced law in Newport News since 1941, active leader in numerous civic and charitable causes, past president of the Hampton Roads Jaycees, Newport News Rotary Club and Virginia Alumni Association, member of the Board of Commissioners of the Virginia Port Authority, past campaign chairman of the Peninsula United Fund, the Peninsula Youth Museum and Planetarium and the Hampton Roads Speech and Hearing Center. (return to top)
Franklin O. Blechman (1969) – Native of Oxford, Pennsylvania, resident of Newport News since 1915, attended local schools with law degree from University of Virginia, successful attorney, humanitarian and leader in multiple state and community organizations, business and charitable causes, a past president of the Newport News Bar Association, Peninsula United Fund, Newport News Rotary Club, and the Jewish Community Council. (return to top)
Timothy Tee Boddie (2006) – The Rev. Dr. Timothy Tee Boddie currently serves as University Chaplain and pastor of the Memorial Church at Hampton University. A graduate of Warwick High School, he was an honor graduate of Morehouse College and earned further degrees from Stanford University and Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education. A dynamic servant leader, he also serves as executive secretary of the nationally acclaimed Hampton University Ministers’ Conference. In addition he is active in the community on the boards of Mary Immaculate Hospital, the NCCJ Peninsula, Hampton YMCA and CANDII. Dr. Boddie and his wife Geulia are blessed parents of two children. (return to top)
Robert D. Bonner (1993) – Dr. Bonner is the Dean of the School of Pure and Applied Science at Hampton University. He joined the Hampton Faculty thirty years ago and holds a tenured professorship in the Department of Biological Sciences at the university. Dr. Bonner is very active in the community. He was one of the first members of the Board of Directors of the Cooperating Hampton Roads Organization for Minorities in Engineering, serving as Chairman of that Board in 1986. He has been appointed to Hampton’s Wetlands Board, Planning Commission and Industrial Development Authority. Last year, he was appointed to serve on the board of trustees of the Science Museum of Virginia. (return to top)
Marian Bowditch (1998) – Marian Bowditch graduated from Mary Baldwin College and taught school for two years in York County. She founded Waterman’s Museum, Yorktown Arts Foundation, was on the county School Board, was a founding member of the Peninsula Fine Arts Board of Directors; was a member of the Governor’s Virginia Bicentennial Commission; was a member of Mary Baldwin’s Board of Trustees. She has received numerous awards for her community service. (return to top)
Willits Bowditch (posthumously) (1998) – The late Willits Bowditch was a veteran of World War II. After the war he left the military and founded Bowditch Ford in Yorktown. He was president of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, was active in the first Virginia European Trade Mission; was a member of the Board of Visitors of the College of William & Mary, Christopher Newport University, and Mary Baldwin College. He also was a member of Warwick Bank (Signet’s) Board. (return to top)
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula (2007) – Boys and Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula has been a leader in youth development since 1946. Serving the needs of the youth of the community, the clubs continue to be “The Positive Place for Kids.” The long-term outcome is inherent in their mission statement – to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. Focusing on a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and influence, the Youth Development Strategy assures that all members have positive experiences that contribute to a positive sense of self-identity. For building this wonderful legacy throughout the community, Boys and Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula is presented the Distinguished Merit Citation. (return to top)
Harrol A. Brauer, Jr. (1980) – Native of Richmond, graduate of the University of Richmond, officer in U.S. Navy in World War II, successful media executive and community leader, active in numerous business, civic and educational causes including among others a past president of Hampton Retail Merchants’ Association, Peninsula Executives Club, Kiwanis and a district Lieutenant Governor, past chairman of Hampton School Board and Hampton Roads Educational Television Association, Rector of the Board of Visitors of Christopher Newport College and recipient of its Distinguished Service award, active member of St. John’s Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Gerald R. Brink (1997) – Gerald R. Brink received his B.A. degree from Western Michigan University and a Masters of Hospital Administration from the Medical College of Virginia, School of Hospital Administration. Mr. Brink is currently employed by Riverside Regional Medical Center, as President and CEO, Executive Vice President of Riverside Health System and the Secretary of all Riverside Health System subsidiaries. He is a member of many professional associations and organizations, some of which include the American College of Healthcare Executives, American Hospital Association, Virginia Hospital Association, Medical College of Virginia/Health Administration, The George Washington University, Health Care Administrators of Tidewater, Tidewater Hospital Council, Tidewater Health Education Committee and the Williamson Institute for Health Studies. He has served as Chairman of the Board of the United Way of Virginia Peninsula and remains on their board of directors. Mr. Brink is also active in the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, The Virginia Peninsula Economic Development Council, The Virginia Living Museum, Virginia Natural Gas, Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Commission, Warwick Rotary Club, Crestar Bank, Sovran Bank, and many other community organizations. In 1995, Mr. Brink was named Citizen of the Year by the Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America and also received the Volunteer of the Year Service Award from the United Way of Virginia Peninsula. (return to top)
Albert T. Brout (1971) – Native of New York, educated at Fordham and New York Universities, successful land developer and builder, humanitarian and leader in multiple religious, educational and charitable causes including among others the Peninsula United Fund and Community Theater, United Jewish Appeal, Beth Sholom Home, Mary Immaculate Hospital, Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Foundation for Retarded Children, a past president of B’nai Brith, and the Jewish Community Council, served seven years as president of Temple Rodef Sholom, named first life member of its Board of Directors. (return to top)
Jenever Hill Brown (2013) – Jenever Hill Brown works with many community initiatives and currently serves as President at Jobs Virginia Community Development Corporation. She is fueled by a passion for education and youth that has encouraged her to become involved with the Newport News/ Hampton Continentals; as president of the Strike Out Hunger program of the Jobs Virginia Community Development Corporation; as a Life Member of the Newport News Free Clinic; and as president of the Sickle Cell Association of the Virginia Peninsula.(return to top)
T. Melvin Butler (1977) – Native of Portsmouth, graduate of VPI, a 35 year veteran of NASA’s Langley Research Center, retiring in 1974 as Director for Center Development and External Affairs, outstanding community leader having served among others as chairman of the Hampton Planning Commission, Thomas Nelson Community College Board of Trustees and Charles H. Taylor Library Board, a recipient of numerous federal, state and local awards including NASA’s Apollo Achievement Award in 1969 and Outstanding Kiwanis Club Secretary for over 25 years service. (return to top)
Sam Canavos (1999) – Sam Canavos owns and operates several restaurants, hotels and commercial real estate projects from his corporate office in Newport News. He served on the board of the Virginia Restaurant Association for 12 years and was elected president in 1989. He has served on Oyster Point Development Board and NationsBank Advisory Board. He has been involved in numerous community activities and received numerous awards such as: Boy Scouts Medallion Award, Boys & Girls Hall of Fame. (return to top)
Christopher C. Carter, Sr. (2022) – Dr. Christopher C. Carter is Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, serving the greater community for the past 27 years. He is also co-owner of the C.C. Carter Funeral Home, LLC. Pastor Carter serves on many boards and community action committees. He is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., Kappa Iota Iota (Fort Eustis Service Chapter), the Virginia Peninsula Chapter of 100 Hundred Black Men of America, a member of the Aberdeen Gardens Historic and Civic Association, and he served as former Chairman and Vice Chair of the City of Hampton’s Planning Commission. Dr. Carter has supported community COVID testing, and partnered to support the Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula, all in an effort to make Hampton and surrounding areas safer and better places to live. (return to top)
Flora D. Chioros (2007) – Coming from a family who owned a landscape business, Flora Despotides Chioros earned degrees from Rhode Island School of Design in Fine Arts and Landscape Architecture. She has continuously given of her time and talents to the communities served by her husband Father George Chioros, taking leadership positions on a number of Greek Orthodox committees and organizations nationwide. Flora continues her work of bridging gaps of misunderstanding as she works with Trinity Lutheran School as Chair of the School Board. She and her husband are blessed with one son. (return to top)
George Chioros (2020) – Reverend George Chioros is the parish priest at Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, serving since his appointment is 1999. He has participated in national and local charities by giving of his time as well as physical donations of blood every 60 days to the local Red Cross blood bank. He continues his efforts to bridge the gap between the Orthodox Christian faithful and those of other faiths as a guest columnist in the Daily Press and by serving on various committees and boards, including Chaplain at the Hampton Veterans Hospital; Coordinating Cabinet member of the Virginia Council of Churches; Past Chair of the Pastoral Advisory Committee for Riverside Hospital; Past Board President and current Chair of board development of the Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center; Treasurer of the Hampton Roads Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood; and member of the Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. Father George attended Hellenic College for his B.A. and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology for a Masters of Divinity. (return to top)
Thomas P. Chisman (1976) – Native of Hampton, graduate of the University of Virginia, served as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy in World War II and as a Captain in the U.S. Army in the Korean War, outstanding media leader, a pioneer of educational television in Virginia, author of Broadcasting in Virginia and A Report on the Feasibility of Television in Greece, a recipient in 1979 of the first Distinguished Service Award of the Virginia Association of Broadcasters, served among others as chairman of the Hampton Downtown Redevelopment Committee, Peninsula Stadium Authority, Campaign for Dixie Hospital and the Committee for Areawide Cooperation for the Peninsula and Tidewater. (return to top)
Flora Crittenden (1999) – Flora Crittenden represents the 95th District in the Virginia House of Delegates which includes parts of Hampton and Newport News. She has held the seat since 1993. She sits on four committees: Chesapeake Bay and it’s Tributaries; Counties, Cities and Towns; Education, and Transportation. Additionally, she is a member of the Legislative Democratic Caucus, the Black Caucus and the Women’s Caucus. Prior to being elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, she served one term on the Newport News City Council. (return to top)
Gordon B. Cutler (1971) – Native of Chicago, educated at Princeton, service as Army Captain in World War II, successful banker, humanitarian and leader in multiple religious, educational and charitable causes including among others the Peninsula United Fund and Family Service, Travelers Aid Society, and American Red Cross, served as chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Vocational and Technical Education Center and a director of the Virginia Bankers Association, a member of St. John Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Christine M. Darden (1994) – Dr. Darden is a Senior Projects Engineer in the Advanced Vehicles Division at the NASA Langley Research Center. He is a member of the Advisory Board of Mathematics and Computer Science at Norfolk State University, and a member of the Board of Visitors for North Carolina State University. Dr. Darden is a member of the Board of Trustees for Chaplain Services of Virginia, an Elder in the Carve Memorial Presbyterian Church in Newport News, and Chairman of the Presbytery Council of the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia. (return to top)
E. D. “Buddy” David (2003) – A lifelong resident of Newport News, E. D. “Buddy” David is a founding member of David, Kamp & Frank, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, and CEO of Diversified Technology & Services of Virginia, Inc. Mr. David’s past service to the community includes Board memberships with United Way and Peninsula Economic Development Council. He has chaired the Hampton University Annual Campaign as well as the NCCJ Awards Dinner, and has been an officer of Rodef Sholom Temple and the Newport News Bar Association. Mr. David continues to serve the community as president of Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation and the Jewish Cemetery of the Virginia Peninsula, as well as trustee for UJC Endowment Foundation and the Achievable Dream Foundation. (return to top)
Elizabeth B. David (1995) – Elizabeth B. David is owner of DTSV, a Government Services Contracting Company. A former teacher and curriculum/training developer, she designed and developed computer-based interactive teaching materials for Computer Sciences Corporation, the Newport News Public Schools and WHRO Television. Mrs. David is currently on the boards of the United Jewish Community, Rodef Sholom Temple and the Peninsula Arts Center, and is a trustee of the Endowment Funds of the United Jewish Community and Rodef Sholom Temple. She is a member of People to People, the Newport News Performing Arts Center Task Force and a number of civic organizations including the National Council of Jewish Women, for which she recently served on a Holocaust Learning Center Project Committee. Mrs. David is the Immediate Past President of the United Jewish Community and recently co-chaired a Curriculum Task Force for the Newport News Public Schools. She has been actively involved in the resettlement of Russian Jews on the Peninsula. Her work with the Junior League of Hampton Roads and the National Council of Jewish Women helped to found a group foster home for girls in Newport News and a Grants Resource Library in Hampton. Mrs. David is the recipient of the Greenspon Young Leadership Award and the Hannah G. Solomon Award for continuing community service. (return to top)
Jennifer O. David (2021) – Jennifer “Jenny” David is a partner at David, Kamp & Frank, where she focuses on family law litigation. With a commitment to education, religion, the law, and the community, Jenny has served as a member of the Family Law Board of Governors for the Virginia State Bar, the Board of Trustees for Hampton Roads Academy, the Board of Directors of the Newport News Bar Association, the Regional Selection Committee for the Jefferson Scholars Foundation at the University of Virginia (where she served as chair), the Board of Trustees for the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, Inc., the Jewish Federations of North America National Young Leadership Cabinet, the Board of Directors for Rodef Sholom Temple, and the Board of the Friends of the Library for The Mariners’ Museum. She also chaired the Campaign Council for the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, Inc. (return to top)
Joshua M. David (2019) – Josh David is in his 22nd year of practicing law at David, Kamp & Frank, L. L. C., primarily as a business lawyer. A third generation honoree, Josh follows the example of community involvement set by his grandfather, Frank Blechman, and his parents, Libby and Buddy David. He has been active with the Hampton Roads Chapter of the American Red Cross, Hampton Ecumenical Lodgings & Provisions (HELP), The Franklin O. and Marie P. Blechman Memorial Trust, Young Lawyers Conference of the Virginia State Bar, Virginia-Israel Advisory Board, and the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. He is deeply involved with Rodef Sholom Temple, serving on the Board, as President, then Relocation Chair, during which time the synagogue relocated to the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. (return to top)
L. Duane DeBlasio (2002) – Chairman and CEO of the architectural and engineering firm of Forrest Coile Associates, L. Duane DeBlasio has been recognized for his business acumen and outstanding volunteer leadership in the community. His civic activities include leadership positions with the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, and his interest and promotion of quality education are evidenced through chairmanships with the Literacy Council, Educational Partnership, and participation with high school mentorship programs. (return to top)
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. – Newport News Alumnae Chapter (2012) – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is a private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. The Sorority was founded in 1913 at Howard University by 22 young women who wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence, provide scholarships, provide support to the underserved, educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of positive public policy, and highlight issues and provide solutions for problems in their communities. The Newport News Alumnae Chapter, originally the Beta Kappa Chapter, was chartered more than 70 years ago. Throughout the years, the Chapter has implemented or worked with programs involving health issues, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, domestic violence, voter advocacy, homeownership, financial fortitude, youth mentorship, and homelessness, to name a few. Presently, the Chapter has more than 135 members. (return to top)
Katherine G. Dermanis (2021) – A retired Hampton City School teacher, Katherine “Kathy” Dermanis currently works at Gloria Dei Lutheran School. For many years, she co-directed the Greek Language Evening School at Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church. Kathy has also served as a member of the Parish Council, the Daughters of Penelope, and the Philoptochos Society, where she chairs the committees focusing on Literacy Outreach, Disaster Relief, and USO Care Packages. In 1990, she co-founded the Hellenic Youth Dancers, a nationally recognized and award-winning dance troupe. Her other love is documenting, researching, and promoting the history of Hampton, particularly Buckroe Beach, through her involvement with the Hampton History Museum, Buckroe Historical Society and the Buckroe Improvement League, where she has served as President for the last 8 years. (return to top)
Alan A. Diamonstein (1977) – Native of Newport News, graduate of the University of Virginia and its law school, distinguished member of the House of Delegates since 1967 and community leader, past president of the Hampton Roads Jaycees and the Young Democratic Club of Virginia, has served as board member of multiple community organizations including the Salvation Army, the Jewish Community Council and Rodef Sholom Temple, recipient of the Sidney D. Peck Award as outstanding state Jaycee President and the organization’s Distinguished Service Award. (return to top)
Lillian Diamonstein (1998) – Lillian Diamonstein serves as Honorary Vice President of Peninsula Jewish Federation, Secretary for Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia, Member of Admissions Committee of Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia and public relations coordinator for Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Medical Center. She also established the Diamonstein Scholarship Fund for Holocaust Studies. Previously, she served two separate terms as President of Newport News Chapter of Hadassah. She was past Vice-President of the Seaboard Region of Hadassah, Rodef Sholom Sisterhood Chairman of Joint Distribution Committee Clothing drive in 40’s. She has been a member of numerous boards and committees. (return to top)
William B. Downey (2018) – Bill Downey is President and Chief Executive Officer for Riverside Health System. He originally joined the Riverside team in May of 1981 as an Administrative Extern. Bill returned to Riverside in June 2001 after having served as President and CEO of Lewis-Gale Medical Center in Salem Virginia and CEO of Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point, Hudson, Florida. He became CEO of Riverside in 2012. Bill has been involved in many community organizations. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of Greater Peninsula NOW, and as a Board member of The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Inc., the Hampton Roads Economic Development Authority, United Way, Towne Bank-Peninsula and Premier, Inc. Bill is a past chair of An Achievable Dream, the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association, the United Way and Virginia Living Museum. (return to top)
Thomas N. Downing, Jr. (1972) – Native of Newport News, graduate of V.M.I. and University of Virginia Law School, Major in World War II, recipient of Silver Star and other military decorations, lawyer, statesman, elected November 4, 1958 to the 86th Congress from 1st Virginia District, re-elected since, ranking Member of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, active in numerous civic, fraternal and veteran organizations including among others, Girl Scouts, Red Cross, Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion, a trustee and former Vestryman of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Mrs. Erwin B. Drucker (1972) – Native of New York, honors graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, humanitarian and leader in multiple religious, educational and charitable causes including among others the PTA, United Fund, Peninsula Family Service, National Council of Jewish Women, Riverside Hospital Auxiliary and Gift Shop, a founder and current co-chairman of the Council’s Pre-school of Hampton, named Volunteer of the Year in 1964 and Woman of Year in 1968, a past president of the Temple Sinai Sisterhood. (return to top)
Wendy C. Drucker (2018) – Wendy Drucker currently serves as Managing Director of Drucker + Falk. Active on multiple community boards, she is immediate past President of the Newport News Economic Development Council, President of Hampton Roads Academy Board of Directors, and is a licensed Real Estate Broker. Wendy is passionate about providing job and housing opportunities for the homeless, and through a collaboration with Shelters to Shutters is helping transition individuals and families from homelessness to economic self-sufficiency by educating and engaging the real estate industry to provide employment and housing opportunities. When apprised of the dire situation facing refugees living on the Peninsula, Wendy began collaborating with Drs. Jafri, Christopher Newport University, the UJC, the Refugee Center and others to raise awareness of the needs of local refugees and help them through their transition to living on the Peninsula. (return to top)
James L. & Midge J. Eason (1993) – Mr. Eason is Mayor of the City of Hampton and the retired senior and managing partner of the Hampton public accounting firm of Eason, Lawson & Westphal. Mr. Eason has served as a volunteer with many government, civic agencies and church groups in the Peninsula area of Virginia. He has been especially active with the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula, The Boys Club, the Hampton School Board and the First United Methodist Church in Hampton. Eason also served as the Chairman of the 1992 NCCJ Peninsula Dinner. Mrs. Eason has been active with a great many civic and religious groups in the Peninsula area of Virginia. Foremost of those are the Junior League of Hampton Roads, Inc., the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula, the Hampton YMCA, the Heritage Girl Scout Council, the PTA of Phoebus High School, the Hampton Carousel Restoration project, the Virginia Symphony and the First United Methodist Church. (return to top)
Katherine S. Edwards (2019) – Kathy Edwards, recently retired president and CEO of An Achievable Dream (AAD), began her career in public relations. In 2000, she signed on to direct development and communications for An Achievable Dream, a non-profit that has won plaudits for its rigorous attention to academic, social, and moral education. She was named President and CEO of An Achievable Dream in December 2013, and led AAD’s first expansion to Virginia Beach and to Henrico County. In addition to her work at AAD, Kathy has been active in the community on various boards and community events, currently serving on the Newport News Education Foundation. In the past, she has served on the boards of Preschool Partners, York County Education Foundation, People to People, and Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA. (return to top)
William R. Ermatinger (2017) – Mr. Ermatinger is executive vice president and chief human resources officer of Huntington Ingalls Industries. He has more than 29 years of experience in aerospace and defense human resource management, beginning at Westinghouse. Bill holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. He serves on the board of directors for the Virginia Chamber of Commerce (past chair), the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation and the Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA (past chair), and on the board of visitors for Christopher Newport University. He also serves on the endowment board for An Achievable Dream Inc. His past service includes board chairman and campaign chairman of the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula, and board member for the Virginia Living Museum. (return to top)
Jack L. Ezzell, Jr. (2005) – Jack L. Ezzell, Jr. is president and CEO of Zel Technologies, a national professional services and information systems company. In 1995, he established a single computer laboratory to make information technology available to youth and senior citizens. That program has grown into KidTech, a non-profit organization “Bridging the Digital Divide” by providing technology access to all citizens. Today, more than 3,500 children and senior citizens in Hampton Roads benefit from that effort. He is active on many boards and commissions including: Rector, Norfolk State University; Chair-elect of the CIVIC Leadership Institute: Vice Chair, Hampton Industrial Development Authority; Jamestown Yorktown Foundation; WHRO; and Star Achievers Academy. Jack served on Governor Mark Warner’s transition team; the Commonwealth’s Commission on Minority Business Enterprises; and the Commonwealth’s Chief Information Officer Advisory Council. (return to top)
Emanuel E. Falk (1970) – Native of Newport News, attended University of Virginia, outstanding realtor and manager of property, humanitarian and leader in numerous community organizations, business, welfare and charitable causes, named 1963 Realtor of the Year for State of Virginia, among others a past president of the National Institute of Real Estate Management, Newport News Real Estate Board, Peninsula Community Chest, Jewish Community Council and Temple Sinai. (return to top)
Ferguson Enterprises Inc. (2005) – Ferguson Enterprises, headquartered in Newport News, VA, is the nation’s largest wholesale distributor of plumbing and heating and other related building products. Ferguson’s passion for excellence is evident in its unwavering commitment to improving the quality of life in the local community and supporting education, health and cultural organizations in Hampton Roads. In 2003, Ferguson celebrated its 50th anniversary and to commemorate the occasion contributed a total of $5.4 million to community organizations including a Ferguson-sponsored Habitat for Humanity home, CNU Center for the Arts, Virginia Living Museum expansion, Mariners’ Museum, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, Virginia Air and Space Center, Boy Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, and Hampton Roads Academy. Ferguson has a long history of providing annual operating funds to local organizations such as the United Way, Virginia Symphony, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Child Development Resources, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, An Achievable Dream and the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges. (return to top)
A.J.Z. “Abe” Firestone (2008) – Born at sea as his parents immigrated to the United States, A.J.Z. “Abe” Firestone is a Belgian by birth, and a naturalized American citizen. Reared in New York, part of “the greatest generations,” he is a veteran of World War II and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross plus the Air Medal with three clusters for his service to our country. In 1955 he founded and served as president of Firestone Insurance until he retired. An active member of his faith, he is a past president of Rodef Sholom Temple, a former Sunday school teacher and Principal of the school, and has served as religious leader for the Temple during the Rabbi’s absences. Involved in many community affairs, Abe is a member of the Peninsula Rotary Club and sponsor of the Achievable Dream Tennis Ball. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity and sits in Lodge at St. Tammany #5 in Hampton. He has held leadership positions with Peninsula Chapter of Credit Unions and the Peninsula Co-op. Abe is married to the former Ernestine Morgenstern of Newport News. (return to top)
Ben Fiscella (1971) – Native of New York, educated at City College of New York, service in World War II as an Air Force Navigator, successful land developer and builder, humanitarian and leader in multiple religious, educational and charitable causes including among others the Peninsula Council for Aging and Council on Human Relations, Mary Immaculate Hospital, former co-chairman of the Peninsula NCCJ Chapter, served as president of the Board of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and president of the Men’s Club of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. (return to top)
Debra A. Flores (2016) – Ms. Flores currently serves as the President / Administrator of Sentara CarePlex Hospital. She was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, received her BS in Nursing from Hampton University, was commissioned in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corp as a Reserve Officer, and received her MS in Business Management from Troy University. Ms. Flores serves on the boards of Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, and Langley Federal Credit Union. She is a member of the Virginia Peninsula Rotary, American Hospital Association Metropolitan Hospital Governance Council, The Peninsula Chapter of Links Incorporated and the American College of Healthcare Executives (Fellow). Debra is a long standing member and trustee of Second Calvary Baptist Church. (return to top)
Sarah E. Forbes (2007) – A North Carolina native, Sarah E. Forbes has been a Newport News resident since childhood. She graduated from University of Rochester and earned her medical degree from Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Forbes became the first female physician to open her own OB/GYN practice in Newport News, and developed and built the Warwick Medical and Professional Center. Her dual passions for medicine and education have led to the establishment of scholarships and support for programs at Christopher Newport University, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula, as well as for her patients and the community of Newport News. (return to top)
Sharyn L. Fox (2022) – Sharyn Fox currently works as an associate at AH Environmental, an environmental and scientific firm. A graduate of the Peninsula Leadership Institute, she is serving her fourth term for the Newport News Planning Commission, and was elected to serve as that body’s first female chairperson. Sharyn currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Rotary Club of Newport News, President for the Newport News Green Foundation, and Board of Directors at the Peninsula Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. She has served the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of American Public Works Association for over 30 years, and is now a life member. Sharyn has also received the Community Service Award from the American Public Works Association and the Chapter Distinguished Service Award. (return to top)
Jane Susan Frank (1997) – Jane S. Frank received her degree in Interior Design and Architectural Blue Printing from Vernon Court College in Newport, Rhode Island. She is currently employed as a Realtor with Virginia Commonwealth Realty. Her career as a volunteer began with her active involvement in Hadassah. Her involvement progressed to Women’s American Art, National Council of Jewish Women, Jewish Community Center, Newport News Juvenile Detention Center, Rodef Sholom Temple and Sisterhood, Respite Care under the Mental Health Board of the Virginia Peninsula, Homebase, Achievable Dreams, Junior League Newport News Centennial Commission and the Peninsula Fine Arts Museum. Holding offices in most and Presidency in some, her interests continue to grow in programs that will enhance the quality of life here on the Peninsula and in Israel. She was the first Woman President of the Jewish Community Center of the Virginia Peninsula and Rodef Sholom Temple, Hampton, VA. Mrs. Frank received the Young Leadership Award, given by the United Jewish Community, the Volunteer of the Year Award, given by the National Council of Jewish Women, the Leadership Award, given by the Jewish Community Center and the Paul Harris Award, given by the Peninsula Rotary. She is married to Joe S. Frank and they have three children and three grandchildren. (return to top)
Joe S. Frank (1997) – Joe S. Frank earned his B.A. in Foreign Affairs and his L.L.B., from the University of Virginia. He was admitted to the Virginia State Bar in 1967. He is currently Senior Partner of Frank, Gordon & Heath, P.C. in Newport News. Mr. Frank has been a member of the Newport News City Council since 1988 and was vice Mayor of the City of Newport News from 1988-1990 and 1996. He is currently a member of the American Bar Association, Virginia State Bar Association, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association and the Newport News Bar Association. Mr. Frank is active in every aspect of his community – from ensuring children have recreational centers, to participating in church programs which aid in community projects, to providing job training for those who need it. He has served as Chairman and is the current Vice Chairman of both the Planning District Commission and the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Mr. Frank currently serves on the following organizations: Newport News Alliance for Youth, Newport News Advanced Research Center Committee, LINK, and the Job Training Center. He was instrumental in the creation, development and implementation of the Waldo Scott Center and Doris Miller Group, which principally serve children from low income areas of the city. He is married to Jane Susan Frank and they have three children and three grandchildren. (return to top)
Kenneth R. Frantz (2011) – Graduated from Washington State University with a B.S. Degree and Golden Gate University with a Master’s Degree. After retiring from a successful construction business on the west coast and in Tidewater, VA, he read a National Geographic article indicating that people in undeveloped countries were risking their lives crossing dangerous ravines and rivers in order to sell their goods at market or to obtain a basic education. In 2001, Ken founded the nonprofit Bridges to Prosperity, Inc. which has now built more than 60 bridges around the world. The Bridges to Prosperity Foundation has also worked with individual Rotary clubs, Rotary International, and various businesses and corporations to expand the program and fund additional bridge projects. Ken’s other volunteer and non-profit board experiences have included the American Cancer Society, Salvation Army, Relay for Life, children’s hospitals, disaster relief, the Newport News Rotary Club, and church service projects. Making their home in Yorktown, he and his wife are the parents of one daughter and two sons. (return to top)
Robert L. “Bobby” Freeman, Jr. (2016) – Mr. Freeman, a certified public accountant and licensed attorney, currently serves as President of Tower Park Corporation and as Chief Executive Officer of Tower Park Management Corporation. He obtained his undergraduate and master’s degrees in accounting at Virginia Tech, and law degree at Campbell University. Mr. Freeman currently sits on the board of Advex Corporation, and is the chairman of the board of Virginia Health Services, Inc. In addition, Mr. Freeman is founder and chairman of the Newport News Public Art Foundation, which has installed eighteen permanent monumental sculptures in the City. He also founded the Port Warwick Foundation, an organization that brings regional public events to Styron Square including the Port Warwick Art and Sculpture Festival and the Port Warwick Summer Concert Series, both of which are events he created. (return to top)
Sylvester Frooks (1980) – Native of Richmond, moved to the Peninsula in 1936 and established a successful cleaning and tailor business as well as restaurants, humanitarian and active community leader in multiple causes including among others a founding director and later president of the Hampton Roads Boy’s Club, past board member of the United Fund, Newport News Public Library and Redevelopment and Housing Authority, a recipient of numerous awards including the first man to receive the Volunteer of the Year Award of the Volunteer Service Bureau and the Jaycees’ Man of the Year Award for 1958-59, a long time trustee of First Church (Baptist) of Newport News. (return to top)
Paul W. Garman (2009) – A self-employed real estate developer with Mid-Atlantic Commercial in Yorktown, Paul W. Garman is involved in every facet of community life and is sought out to lead or assist with many regional activities. From the York County Board of Supervisors to Mary Immaculate Hospital to the Boys and Girls Club of York County, Garman has taken lead roles in civic affairs. He promotes fairness and understanding and appreciates the strength a community gains from its diversity, exhibited through his service to planning commissions, youth groups, grievance panels, the Kiwanis Club of Grafton, Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula, and First Baptist Church of Newport News. Paul and his wife are blessed with two children and three grandchildren. (return to top)
Tommy Garner (2015) – Mr. Garner, Owner of Tommy Garner Air Conditioning & Heating, is a compassionate business owner, known for being a ‘good Samaritan,’ and always steps in to help any community group or family in need. He has been a strong champion of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Virginia Peninsula, donating his time, in-kind services, and support for over 25 years, and serving as a Board Member for the last 10. (return to top)
Greg Garrett (2012) – Greg Garrett has lived in Hampton Roads his entire life and started in the real estate business at age 19. greg garrett is in the top 1% of all real estate offices in the United States. In the community, Greg is a founder of Orphan Helpers, an international organization ministers to 1,300 orphaned, abandoned, or incarcerated children in Central America. He is also involved in Youth Challenge, Operation Breaking Through, and the York County Waterways Alliance Board of Directors. Greg has been married to his wife, Libby, for 31 years and they have 4 children. (return to top)
A. Jack Georgalas (2001) – A. Jack Georgalas, owner of Tri-Cities Beverage Corp., displays civic and humanitarian involvement in all aspects of his life. Instrumental in the construction of Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, he is a long-time member of the church board. He chairs a committee to provide humanitarian relief to displaced individuals in Cypress. He has served on the Board of Visitors of Christopher Newport University, as well as on a number of advisory boards associated with his business interests. To help share the Greek culture with the community, Mr. Georgalas has chaired the Greek Festival in Newport News for five years. (return to top)
W. Fanchon Glover (2021) – Dr. W. Fanchon “Chon” Glover is the founding Chief Diversity Officer at the College of William & Mary. In that capacity, she serves on the President’s Executive Leadership Team and provides strategic leadership on campus and in the community that advances initiatives to foster inclusion, equity, and excellence. She is also an Executive Faculty member in the William & Mary School of Education. Chon serves on community Boards and volunteers with local civic and national organizations. She is an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter); Newport News Chapter of The Links, Inc.; YJCW NAACP (Scholarship Committee); the Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities; and she is a former Board member for Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society, All-Together Board, and the Williamsburg Community Foundation. (return to top)
Ralph M. Goldstein (1995) – Ralph M. Goldstein, partner since 1987 in the law firm of Jones, Blechman, Woltz and Kelly, P.C., is on the board of An Achievable Dream, Inc., United Way of the Virginia Peninsula, Virginia Tennis Association, Hampton Roads Jaycees, Rodef Sholom Temple, Newport News Bar Association, and Friends of the Homeless, Inc. He also serves as Vice President of the United Jewish Community, trustee and Vice Chair of the UJC Endowment Fund, trustee of the Rodef Sholom Endowment Fund, is an alumni volunteer for the Duke University Alumni Administration Advisory Committee and co chairs the College of William and Mary Parents Fund. Mr. Goldstein is a Past President and board member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews Peninsula Chapter and a past state board member of the Virginia Region of NCCJ. He is also Past President of Rodef Sholom Temple, Past Vice President of the Hampton Roads Jaycees and Immediate Past President of the Newport News Bar Association. (return to top)
Jerome Gordon (2000) – Jerome Gordon has retired from a career spent in the motion picture theater business. The recipient of numerous humanitarian awards from the industry, he has both chaired and served on motion picture boards and supported the charities of the organizations. Mr. Gordon’s service to his community includes active involvement with local civic organizations and citizens’ task forces. (return to top)
Janet V. Green (2020) – Janet V. Green has served as the CEO of Habitat for Humanity since 2002. Before joining Habitat, Janet worked for 20+ years in Washington, D.C., including proudly serving as Special Assistant to the President and Director of White House Operations for President Clinton during his first term. Among her responsibilities, Janet helped spearhead the Corporation for National Service/AmeriCorps. In the community, Janet serves on a variety of Boards and volunteers with numerous organizations, including CIVIC Leadership Institute, Dominion Energy EnergyShare, Habitat for Humanity International U.S. Council, James City County Housing Task Force, John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, Lee’s Friends Helping People Live with Cancer, Planned Parenthood, Peninsula Builders Association, Tidewater Builders Association, and Wason Center for Public Policy. Janet received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work from Michigan State University. (return to top)
Pamela V. Hammond (2009) – Holding degrees from Tuskegee University, University of Maryland, and a doctorate from Old Dominion University, Pamela V. Hammond is dean and professor at Hampton University School of Nursing. An educator for over three decades, she has published research in the area of child abuse and neglect. She has volunteered with a women’s shelter focusing on the health of the children, and developed an educational support model for Operation Smile International. Hammond has been appointed by five Virginia governors to boards and councils regarding nursing and health issues and serves on the National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities. Pam and her husband are parents to a daughter and a son, and grandparents to triplets. (return to top)
Hampton University (2003) – Hampton University, a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, is a privately endowed, non-profit, non-sectarian, co-educational, historically black university. For the past 25 years under the innovative leadership of president Dr. William R. Harvey, Hampton University has solidified its position of academic, cultural and historical prominence that it has enjoyed for more than a century. The Hampton Harbor Project, initiated by Dr. Harvey, is a community-enhancing residential/commercial development, which advocates self-sufficiency and empowerment of African Americans, expands the tax base in the City of Hampton, and provides student scholarships from after-tax profits. Hampton University’s cultural contributions include the recently renovated University Museum, the oldest African American museum in the U.S., which houses an impressive collection of African, Asian, Native American, and Pacific artwork, as well as the African American Poetry Archives. (return to top)
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute* (2018) – The Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute (HUPTI), was founded in 2005 by Hampton University President Dr. William R. Harvey. Opening in 2010, HUPTI became just the 8th proton therapy cancer treatment facility in the United States and the only one in Hampton Roads. In addition to partnering with local organizations and hosting the Annual Gala of Hope, HUPTI has held several local golf tournaments with the proceeds benefitting a patient fund for non-related medical expenses. Earlier this year, the Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute partnered with Patient Airlift Services (PALS) to provide free transportation via volunteer pilots for qualifying HUPTI patients who need to travel 2 or more hours for consultations or cancer treatment. HUPTI is committed to continuing the fight against cancer, not only directly through proton beam radiation treatment, but also through philanthropic pursuits, community outreach, and charitable giving. (return to top)
Chavis W. Harris (2015) – Mr. Harris is the Director for EEO, Ethics, and Compliance at Newport News Shipbuilding, a division of Huntington Ingalls Inc. He has provided classroom instruction on diversity and inclusion to over 2,200 Newport News Shipbuilding first line supervisors. Harris is involved with various church and community organizations, serving as a Deacon at New Calvary Baptist Church, Board Service with American Red Cross blood service, INROADS Inc., Star Achievers Academy, and the recent past chair for Peninsula United Way Community Investment Team. (return to top)
Norma B. Harvey (1997) – Norma B. Harvey holds a B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from Virginia State University and an M.A. Degree in Education from Fisk University in Nashville, TN. She is currently employed as a Business Counselor, HUBA (Business Assistance Center), in Hampton, Virginia. Ms. Harvey was the Editor of a Quarterly Newsletter, Behavioral Science Research from 1975-78. She was a former member of the Peninsula Council for the Arts, Planning and Research Committee for the United Way, Board member of the American Heart Association, and Board member of the Virginia Symphony. She also served on the Board of Visitors for The College of William and Mary. Ms. Harvey presently serves on the Board of the Peninsula Chapter of the NCCJ and is a Charter Board Member of Harbor Bank in Newport News. She has also been appointed to serve on the Governor’s Task Force on Substance Abuse and Sexual Assault on College Campuses, the USS Hampton Commissioning Committee and The Hampton Roads Sports Facility Authority. Ms. Harvey has received the following Awards: The Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, 1991 Minority Business Advocate Award, The Virginia State Minority Business Advocate Award and The Virginia Council on the Status of Women’s Corporate Achievement Award. Ms. Harvey is married to Dr. William Harvey and they have three children. (return to top)
William R. & Norma B. Harvey (2023) – Mrs. Norma B. Harvey served with distinction as the First Lady of Hampton University for 44 years. She gracefully organized campus events to honor academic and athletic student achievement; supported the University’s life-saving proton therapy cancer treatment center; welcomed new faculty and organization, community, state, and national leaders; hosted events for alumni, trustees, and even sitting presidents. Passionate about community service, she has been appointed to the Governor’s Task Force on Substance Abuse and Sexual Assault on College Campuses, the USS Hampton Commissioning Committee, and The Hampton Roads Sports Facility Authority. Throughout her life, Mrs. Harvey has been actively involved in the community and has served as a member of the Peninsula Council for the Arts, the Planning and Research Committee for the United Way, the Board of the American Heart Association, the State Board and Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, and the Virginia Symphony. She has also served on the Board of Visitors for The College of William and Mary and the Virginia Museum of Natural History.
Dr. William R. Harvey is President Emeritus of Hampton University and 100% owner of a Pepsi Cola Bottling Company in Michigan. While President of Hampton University, Dr. William R. Harvey introduced innovations that have solidified Hampton’s stellar position among the nation’s colleges and universities. His innovative leadership was reflected in the growth and quality of the University’s student population, academic programs, physical facilities, and financial base. Along with his duties as President, some of the corporate boards that Dr. Harvey served on were the National Geographic Society, NCAA Division I Board of Directors, and Newport News Shipbuilding. He served on the President’s National Advisory Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Service, the Commission on Presidential Scholars, the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Development Advisory Board, and the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia. Additionally, he was Chairman of the President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education.
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Philip L. Hatchett (2018) – Philip Hatchett currently serves as managing director of Kaufman & Canoles’ Newport News office. Kaufman & Canoles has provided a platform for Philip to be heavily involved in community activities including Smart Beginnings of the Virginia Peninsula and the Hampton Roads Community Action Program. Philip and his wife also host an annual gathering with college wrestling teams after they make weight for Virginia Duels. He remembers his first involvement with the Hampton Roads Chapter of the American Red Cross, realizing that the plasma collected went to the Red Cross Blood Center named for Dr. Jerome Holland, who Philip had known growing up while he was president of Hampton University. Feeling that connection led him to get more involved and to realize the impact people like Dr. Holland have had on this country, this community, and him. (return to top)
Robert Hatten (1998) – Robert Hatten is a partner in the law firm of Patten, Wornom & Watkins in Newport News. He received degrees from Hampton Sydney College and Washington & Lee University. He served as Law Clerk to the Honorable John A. MacKenzie in U.S. District Court. He owns and manages Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club in Leesburg. Mr. Hatten has been a member of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association and served on their Board of Governors until 1991. He currently serves as Congressional Liaison for the Association of Trial Lawyers of America. He is a member of the Newport News Bar Association and the American Board of Trial Advocates. He has been the recipient of various awards and honors. (return to top)
Howard E. Heard (2013) – Howard Heard is the Senior Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church, and is known throughout the community for his inspirational leadership and commitment to community outreach and housing development through Emmanuel House, which he founded. Emmanuel House provides a variety of services to the Newport News community including, but not limited to, a food pantry, a bread ministry, housing counseling, affordable housing solutions, financial literacy, and summer day camps. Pastor Heard is also the president of the Foreign Mission Board for the Virginia Baptist State Convention and served honorably in the Navy for 20 years as a hospital corpsman. (return to top)
Anne W. Henry (2016) – Ms. Henry, co-founder and Executive Director of Soundscapes, is a native of Hampton. After living for most of her adult years in New York, Boston, and Seattle, she returned to the Peninsula in 2003. In 2009, Ms. Henry co-founded Soundscapes. As a daily after-school program, Soundscapes focuses on the positive development of the “whole child” through the joy and discipline of intensive musical training, starting at a very young age (6 years old). Anne is a former marketing manager and lead editor at Microsoft Corporation’s as well as an architectural designer with projects in New York, Seattle, and Virginia. She holds a B.A. degree from Harvard University, an M.A. degree from NYU, and an M.Arch. Degree from Princeton University. (return to top)
Everette A. “Teddy” Hicks, Sr. (2018) – Teddy Hicks is a retired educator and board member from Newport News Public Schools. He served as a classroom teacher at Carver High School, a high school for Black students, from 1961-1971. Following integration, Teddy transferred to Ferguson High School and later Point Option. In 1976, he was promoted to Assistant Principal at Menchville High School, retiring in 1991. Teddy continued his service through volunteerism. He was elected to the Newport News School Board in 2000, “retiring” in 2016. Teddy has served as Chairman of the deacon board at Ivy Baptist Church for more than 18 years. He was a founding member of the C. Waldo Scott Center for H.O.P.E. and served on the board of the Virginia Educators Credit Union. He is a lifetime member of the NAACP and a supporter of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula, People to People, Inc., the Alzheimer’s Association, and the American Cancer Society.
Charlie W. Hill (2009) – Charlie W. Hill is Executive Vice President of Human Resources for Landmark Communications, Inc. A graduate of Virginia State College and Hampton University, he studied for a year at University of Virginia, Darden School of Business where he was one of four to integrate the school in 1970. His service to the community includes such organizations as INROADS Mid-Atlantic, Help Them Now mentoring program at Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church, and Crispus Attucks Cultural Center. A founding member of the Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum, Hill and his three daughters established a scholarship in memory of their late mother encouraging African-American females to pursue math and science fields. Charlie and his wife Golden Bethune-Hill recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary. (return to top)
Carolyn C. W. & William A. Hines, Jr. (2000) – Dr. Carolyn C. W. Hines, currently president of C.W. Hines & Associates, Inc., has built her career around consulting and training in the fields of transformational leadership, team building, dispute resolution, and productivity systems planning. As an active member of People to People, she works to promote reconciliation across the races. Dr. Hines is also active in community organizations dedicated to youth development and is a Big Sister to several young women. As an organizational development specialist, William A. Hines, Jr. is Senior Associate for C. W. Hines & Associates, Inc. Certified in non-violent conflict resolution and in mediation, he has worked with community leaders on race relations and cross-cultural communications. Mr. Hines has been recognized by social and civic organizations for outstanding involvement in youth advocacy and promotion of interracial understanding and cooperation. (return to top)
Jerome Hogge, Jr. (posthumously) (1996) – Jerome Hogge, Jr. was President and CEO of Newport News Savings and Loan Association. He previously served as Vice-Mayor of the City of Newport News as well as being on the City Council for two terms. He was a board member and former chairman of the Board of Governors of Virginia Savings and Loan League and chairman of the Southeast Conference of Savings and Loans. He participated on the boards of the Peninsula Chapter of the National Conference, Youth Focus, the Governor’s Advisory Council, Big Brothers, Virginia International Terminals, Virginia Peninsula Economic Development Council, Board of Visitors of Christopher Newport University and Mary Immaculate Hospital. He also served as President of the Newport News Rotary Club, President of Hampton Roads Jaycees, Chairman of the Peninsula United Way and Commissioner of the Peninsula Transportation District Commission. Hogge was a retired Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves and past commanding officer of the National Guard Reserve Unit at Yorktown. He was a member of Orcutt Baptist Church where he served as a Deacon and Sunday School teacher. (return to top)
Jerome H. Holland (1970) – Native of Auburn, New York, leading American educator and author, all American football end at Cornell University, B.S. and M.S. degrees, P.H.D.-University of Pennsylvania, active leader in multiple educational, human rights and humanitarian causes, a participant in international conferences on three continents, a recipient of numerous honorary degrees and awards including the Freedom Citation of the Chapel of the Four Chaplains, president of Hampton Institute since 1960. (return to top)
Thaddeus B. Holloman, Sr. (2004) – Thaddeus B. Holloman, Sr., vice president and commercial loan officer for Old Point National Bank, has served in a leadership role with several organizations, including the Newport News School Board, Virginia Peninsula Chapter of the 100 Black Men of America, Christopher Newport University Board of Visitors, Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and the Newport News Industrial Development Authority. He has long been a champion of projects that have fostered community unity and improved the circumstances of the underprivileged, particularly youth. (return to top)
Mary Sherwood Holt (1995) – Mary Sherwood Holt, a native of Newport News, is a member of the Virginia Commission on Local Government and a Member of Session of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Newport News. She is Chairman of the Peninsula Advisory Committee of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and serves on the advisory boards of Planned Parenthood and the Virginia Living Museum. Mrs. Holt is a member of the Committee of 100 for People to People and the Committee on Ministry for Presbytery of Eastern Virginia, for which she is Immediate Past Moderator. Mrs. Holt’s past community involvement has been on the local, regional, state and national level. She was a member of the Newport News City Council for twelve years and has served as President of the Junior League of Hampton Roads, Inc., the Voluntary Action Center, the Virginia Living Museum, Alternatives, Inc., the Peninsula Human Services Coalition, the Peninsula Substance Abuse Council and the Virginia Association of Public Transit Officials. Mrs. Holt was a member of the Board of Directors for the Peninsula Economic Development Council and the Newport News Youth Services Commission; she was a member of the Governor’s Commission on Transportation for the 21st Century, the Virginia Board of Transportation Safety, the Urban Assistance Incentive Fund Advisory Board and the Executive Board of the Virginia Municipal League. Nationally, she has been on the Governing Board of the American Public Transit Association, has chaired Women in Municipal Government, National Municipal League and was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1976 and 1980. (return to top)
H.V. Hooper (1969) – Native of Newport News, star athlete in high school and Virginia Tech, Navy Commander in World War II, retired from Reserves as Captain, a leader in numerous community organizations, business, sport and charitable causes, 1954-56 NCCJ Catholic Co-Chairman, 1963 recipient of Peninsula Sports Club “Man of the Year” award, 1965 selected as Hampton Roads Sertoma Club’s outstanding member, since 1966 election, a member of Newport News City Council. (return to top)
Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads (2021) – Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads (HDCofHR) was formed in October 2005 and became a nonprofit in December 2006. The organization was started in order to provide quality, affordable housing opportunities to the clients of nonprofits on the Greater Virginia Peninsula and in Gloucester County. The target populations are individuals and families from low income backgrounds, people experiencing homelessness, and people with disabilities. HDCofHR has a vision of helping to end homelessness in Hampton and Newport News. The organization was able to purchase its first mortgaged house in 2008. Since that time, 371 individuals have been housed in neighborhoods across the Peninsula, intentionally building diverse and inclusive communities. (return to top)
Elva Williams Hunt (2010) – A native of Smithfield, Virginia, Elva Williams Hunt received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hampton University and a Doctor of Philosophy from Old Dominion University. An educator and advocate for youth, Dr. Hunt’s career with the Newport News Public Schools spanned more than four decades. Her extensive experience and interest in initiatives to aid the academic success of children led to her involvement with First Step, a preschool program that serves more than 1,300 four-year olds annually and has been in operation since 1977. Dr. Hunt also spearheaded the establishment of the diversity education program for personnel in the Newport News Public Schools, and she is a founding member of PEOPLE TO PEOPLE. Dr. Hunt considers her greatest and most rewarding privilege to be parenting three children. (return to top)
Syed Ismail (2024) – Dr. Syed Ismail served as a senior research scientist in different capacities at NASA Langley Research Center for over 35 years. After retiring from NASA, he has been serving as a Senior Research Scientist consultant with Analytical Service & Materials, Inc. Dr. Ismail has been involved in several community activities. He is a founding member, past President, and a Trustee of the Muslim Community of Tidewater and a founding member of the Peninsula Islamic Community Center. He has been associated with several community development and charitable activities while serving in these organizations. He has been a member of the University Chaplains Association at Old Dominion University since 2017, serving to foster spiritual life on the ODU campus, and works with the team to promote interfaith understanding and support the wellbeing of the campus community. He has also been a member of the VCIC Peninsula Chapter. In collaboration with other organizations, he organized annual Iftar dinners to show support for and building connections with the Hampton Roads Muslim community. (return to top)
Joni L. Ivey (2003) – Joni L. Ivey serves as Chief of Staff to U. S. Representative Robert C. “Bobby” Scott of Virginia’s Third Congressional District. A native of Newport News, she was educated in the City’s public schools and earned her undergraduate degree from Norfolk State University. Active in the community, Ms. Ivey is a member of Hampton Chapter of the Links and the Junior League of Hampton Roads. Under her leadership as the first female president of the Newport News chapter of NAACP, the branch received numerous local, state, and national awards. She serves on the Board of Trustees of Ivy Baptist Church. In 2002, Ms. Ivey assembled a group of community leaders for the purpose of addressing critical issues of importance to citizens of the Southeast Community of Newport News. “The Group” has continued to bring about positive changes in several areas important to the community. (return to top)
Rabia Jafri (2023) – Dr. Rabia Jafri was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and emigrated to the United States in the mid-1990s. In 2015, Dr. Jafri was introduced to members of the refugee community who were being re-settled in Newport News. She found these families struggling to make ends meet and assimilate into their new community. With a dedicated group of individuals who formed the first Board of Directors, Dr. Jafri founded Hampton Roads Refugee Relief (“HR3”). This organization’s mission is to help build stronger, more inclusive communities on the Peninsula and throughout Hampton Roads by offering a variety of needed services to the refugee community. Since then, HR3 has assisted families and individuals who have arrived here penniless and with no support system to settle their families, begin successful jobs and careers, see their children succeed in college, and own homes. Many have become citizens of the United States, truly exemplifying the American Dream. Rabia continues to serve as Chairperson of the Board of HR3. (return to top)
Mary E. Johnson (2005) – A graduate of Hampton Institute (University), Mary E. Johnson retired in 1979 as principal of Langley Elementary School after 40 years as an educator in Hampton Public Schools. She may be best known for leading the successful effort to restore the Little England Chapel, a state and national historic landmark and the only known African American chapel in Virginia. She also laid the foundation for the Newtown Learning Center which is now a part of the Little England Chapel Cultural Complex. Her commitment to the children of Hampton is exhibited through her work with students of Spratley Middle School who live in her community of Newtown. She assists them after school with their homework and specialized tutoring in addition to special events that involve parents, teachers, students and community patrons. In 1994, Mary was named the Daily Press Citizen of the Year, among many other honors and accolades. (return to top)
Allen R. Jones, Jr. (2011) – Licensed Physical Therapist in the Commonwealth of Virginia and owner and CEO of Dominion Physical Therapy. He earned his degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Connecticut with a postgraduate certification in Clinical Management of Head, Facial and Neck Pain and TMJ Disorders from the American Academy of Head, Facial and Neck Pain and TMJ Orthopedics. Allen’s goal to combine high quality therapy with superior customer service has led him to develop a practice with six locations and more than 40 employees. His community involvement includes Norfolk State University Foundation Board, Board of Trustees for the Mariners Museum, Virginia Living Museum Advisory Board, Advisory Board for Christopher Newport University’s School of Business, and Board Member of Hampton Roads Academy. He is active in his church, as a Norfolk Guardsmen, in Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, and on the board of the James River Country Club. Allen and his wife are parents of four children. (return to top)
Francis W. Jones (1994) – Mr. Jones serves on the Board of Directors of the Peninsula Retired Teachers Association. He is a deacon and a trustee of the Hampton Baptist Church. Mr. Jones is a member of the Hampton Rotary Club and serves on the Student Aid Committee. (return to top)
Eugene M. Jordan, II (2024) – Eugene M. Jordan, II, recently retired as Corporate General Counsel of Old Point Financial Corporation and previously served as Chairman, President and CEO of Old Point Trust & Financial Services, N.A. He practiced law in the largest law firm in Phoebus for a number of years with great law partners (his dad and sister), who taught lessons of law, the courtroom, and legal research far better than law professors. They merged into one of the largest firms in Hampton at that time, Cumming, Hatchett & Jordan. Current Board activities include serving on the Board of Old Point Trust & Financial Services, N.A., member of the Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, serving as Vice Chair of the Board of Riverside Regional General Hospital, Board member of Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation, Board member of VuBay Foundation, Elder of First Presbyterian Church, Hampton. Past Board service includes: Smart Beginnings, Civic Leadership Institute (Class of 2007), First Book Hampton Roads, Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center, and Boy Scouts. (return to top)
Ettalea E. Kanter (2002) – Ettalea E. Kanter is well known throughout the Peninsula community for her work with the American Cancer Society, particularly the Relay for Life. In her career as an educator, she was often recognized and awarded for contributions to marketing and vocational education. Her many leadership roles with the United Jewish Community of the VA Peninsula include project coordinator of the documentary “To Bear Witness: A Living Testimonial to the Holocaust. (return to top)
Steven S. Kast (2011) – Graduate of Christopher Newport University, where he was an honor graduate and an accomplished athlete. Steve became President & CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula in 1996 and has spearheaded unprecedented growth by responding to the community’s growing needs, expanding from one facility to 14 clubs with a workforce development center throughout Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg and the counties of York, Gloucester and Mathews. He is chair of Targeted Outreach Committee of “Keeping our Kids Safe” Community Initiative, chairman of Peninsula Non Profits United, and a member of Northeast Regional Board of the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation. Steve is a native of Giles County and has lived on the Peninsula for 27 years. (return to top)
Rena N. Kates (posthumously) (1993) – Mrs. Kates, who recently passed away, was extremely active in the Peninsula area of Virginia. She was the President of Nachman’s Department Store for almost twenty years before the store was sold. She volunteered with the Peninsula Red Cross, the Peninsula Girls Club. At the time of her death, she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Peninsula Jewish Historical Society, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Temple Sinai Sisterhood, Rodef Sholom Sisterhood and the Virginia Orchestra League. (return to top)
Martha B. Katz-Hyman (2015) – Ms. Katz-Hyman is a Curator with the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Williamsburg, VA, working on artifact acquisition, media projects, and new outdoor interpretive areas for the forthcoming American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. She is the author of several articles on 18th-century slave material culture. Ms. Katz-Hyman is very active in the Peninsula Jewish Community, serving in numerous capacities, committees, and programs at Rodef Sholom Temple, and she actively volunteers with the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula as a board member and a member of the Education Committee. (return to top)
Herbert V. Kelly, Sr. (2000) – Herbert V. Kelly, Sr. is a partner in the law firm of Jones, Blechman, Woltz & Kelly, P.C. His extensive service to civic and charitable causes includes leadership positions in his local Rotary Club, Council of Boy Scouts of America, and United Fund campaigns. Mr. Kelly also serves on numerous corporate boards of directors and has been honored throughout his career by such awards as Distinguished Citizen of the Year presented by the Chamber of Commerce. (return to top)
Ann H. Kilgore (1970) – Native of Portsmouth, graduate College of William and Mary, pioneer woman Mayor of Hampton, serving her fourth consecutive term, former school teacher, active leader in numerous educational, welfare and humanitarian causes, first Junior President of Peninsula President’s Council, Member Governor’s Overall Advisory Council on Needs of Handicapped Children, named Peninsula Woman of the Year for 1958, named Woman’s Newsmaker of the Year, 1969. (return to top)
Ashby C. Kilgore (2015) – Dr. Kilgore is the Superintendent of Newport News Public Schools. Since her appointment in 2007, which made her the first woman to lead the school division, she has championed 21st century schools by establishing a curriculum that builds the skills, knowledge and expertise students need to be successful; equipping all classrooms with interactive white boards, wireless technologies, and online learning and videoconferencing capabilities; and building new hands-on science labs. Dr. Kilgore has served on several educational and civic boards including the Virginia Apprenticeship Council, the School-University Research Network Advisory Council, the WHRO Educational Advisory Board, the Mayor’s Task Force to Reduce Teenage & Young Adult Violence, the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula Board of Directors, the Community Free Clinic Board of Directors, Alternatives Inc. Board of Directors, and Girls Incorporated of the Virginia Peninsula Board of Directors. (return to top)
Joshua N. King, Sr. (2023) – Reverend Joshua N. King, Sr. is currently the 8th Senior Pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia. Pastor King serves as a connector and bridge between community, business, government, and nonprofits. He extended himself most recently with the Heart of Giving, a community-wide giving and resource fair. The goal was to bring resources to the community at large to build relationships and give hope. Through collaboration with business and non-profit partners, there were over 70 exhibitors which included multiple churches, schools, organizations, businesses, and community agencies. Dr. King was the past Vice-Moderator of American Baptist Churches of the South (ABCOTS) for Area II. Previously, he served as Trustee for the Progressive Baptist National Convention, Inc. (PNBC), for two years as Program Committee Chair for the PNBC, as Vice President of the ABCOTS Ministers Council for Area II, as well as a member of the Global United Fellowship Compassion International Committee, and on the Board of Directors for Transitions Family Violence Services. (return to top)
Suzanne G. Kokorelis (2006) – Suzanne G. Kokorelis, a graduate of Virginia Tech, is marketing and financial administrator for her husband’s periodontal practice. She actively serves both her church and community, acting as director of marketing for the Newport News Greek Festival, and contributing time and treasures to St. Basil Academy as well as the Peninsula Food Bank, most notably working with the “Kid’s Café.” In 2003, she was named Steward of the Year by Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church. She and husband Michael are the parents of two grown children. (return to top)
Stavroula Kostaki-Gailey (1993) – Dr. Gailey is the Chairwoman of the Math Department of Christopher Newport University. She has been active with a great many civic and religious organizations within the Greek Community of the Peninsula area of Virginia, including Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, the Daughters of Penelope, Charis Eleni Chapter, the Peninsula Literary Council and the National Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Board of Education. (return to top)
Lackey Free Family Medicine Clinic: James & Cooka Shaw (2004) – From its austere beginnings in a Baptist Sunday School room nearly nine years ago to its move to a new, 3,150 square-foot building last summer, the Lackey Free Family Medicine Clinic has become a lifeline for more than 1,000 disadvantaged patients who seek treatment each year. Founded in 1995 by Dr. James O. Shaw, Jr. and his wife, Cooka Shaw, the clinic’s volunteer staff includes more than 75 medical professionals and lay volunteers. Financial and in-kind contributions from the religious, nonprofit and business communities have enabled the clinic to provide free health care to needy individuals and families. Dr. Shaw continues to serve the clinic as its medical director and board president. (return to top)
Karl F. Lanier (1975) – Native of Newport News, graduate of the Graduate School of Banking of Rutgers University, astute banker, active leadership roles in numerous business, educational and civic organizations including among others Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Committee, United Fund, Boy’s Club, Virginia Society Crippled Children and Adults, Thomas Nelson Community College, a national vice-president of the Propeller Club of the U.S., co-chairman of the Peninsula NCCJ Chapter, a former vestryman of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Roy H. Lasris (2006) – An attorney in the law firm of Lasris & Vannan PC, Roy H. Lasris is an active participant in his Jewish and wider communities, having served in various capacities with Rodef Sholom Temple and the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. He is a board member of Bacon Street and participates in the York County Court Docent program and the Drug Free Schools program for York County, all programs designed to reach out to families and educate on the court system, drug prevention and treatment. Residents of Seaford township, he and his wife Betty are parents of three sons. (return to top)
Joseph H. Latchum, Jr. (2013) – Joe Latchum is invested in our region’s youth through the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula and has been a member of their board for over 23 years, as well as a founding member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula Foundation. He also served the community as the former director of the New Horizons Regional Education Center and as former chairman of the American Heart Association Gala. His committed leadership has impacted the lives of countless youth and adults throughout the region. (return to top)
Wayne D. Lett (2001) – Superintendent of Schools in Newport News since 1996, Dr. Wayne A. Lett has been instrumental in developing activities in the education community that address racial and cultural differences. These include the annual Conference on Diversity and Race Relations and a quarterly roundtable gathering of African-American community leaders. He has been recognized with awards for leadership in education as well as for his volunteer work in the community. Dr. Lett has chaired the Peninsula United Way Combined Public Service campaigns, is an ex-officio board member of “People to People,” and serves on boards of Boy Scouts of America and of the Boys and Girls Clubs, both in Greater Hampton Roads and on the Virginia Peninsula. (return to top)
Betty N. Levin (1979) – Native of Newport News, a graduate of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, mother of four children and outstanding community leader, active in numerous educational and charitable causes, among others has served as president of the Hampton Roads Section of the National Council of Jewish Women, the Peninsula Youth House Board and the Women’s Cabinet of the Newport News-Hampton United Jewish Appeal, currently serves on the planning and research committee of the United Way, the executive board of the local Jewish Federation and the sisterhood board of Rodef Sholom Temple, named Peninsula Woman of the Year in 1977 by the Junior Women’s Club of Newport News. (return to top)
Guy G. Levy (2017) – Dr. Levy, dentist at Levy Dental Group, is also Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Soluble Systems, LLC. He has bachelor’s degree in biology from Virginia Tech, D.D.S from Georgetown University, and master’s degree in Health Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia. Guy serves on the Peninsula Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, past chair of the Newport News Educational Foundation, chair of the Endowment Fund at Rodef Sholom Temple, Mentor/Lecturer at the New Horizons Mentorship Program, and he volunteers his dental services at the Peninsula Free Clinic. His past service includes the Hampton Road Jaycees, Denbigh Jaycees, Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Chesapeake Bay Foundation – York Chapter, and the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. (return to top)
Mayer G. Levy (2012) – A Virginia Tech graduate who earned his D.D.S. from Georgetown University in 1964, Mayer G. Levy has been involved in the general practice of dentistry for decades. He is currently an adjunct faculty member at the VCU/MCV School of Dentistry. Mayer’s community involvement includes Delta Dental of VA, the Virginia Dental Association, Mission of Mercy, and the York Chapter of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. He is also a clarinetist in the Peninsula Concert Band and the Virginia Tech Highty-Tighty Alumni Band. Mayer and his wife, Susan, are the parents of three children and have four grandchildren. (return to top)
Arthur R. Lieverman (1975) – Native of Columbus, Ohio, graduate of Ohio State University, service in World War II as a Naval Commanding Officer, moved to Hampton in 1948, successful businessman, active leader in numerous business, civic and educational causes including among others the United Fund, Hampton Institute, Salvation Army, Dixie Hospital, Peninsula Concerned Citizens for Peace, named 1970 “Boss of the Year” by local chapter of National Secretaries Association, former chairman of the Jewish Community Council and UJA, a past president of B’nai Israel Synagogue. (return to top)
Mamie E. Locke (2002) – An educator and community leader, Dr. Mamie E. Locke has served on Hampton City Council since 1996, the last two years as Mayor. She is an often-awarded and widely recognized leader and speaker in the fields of political science and women’s studies. Dr. Locke was recently recognized for her dual service as a university administrator (at Hampton University) and an elected official by Black Issues in Higher Education. She is an active member of the Hampton chapters of Links, Inc. and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. (return to top)
Artie Lolos (1996) – Artie Lolos, a native of Karpenisi, Greece, emigrated to the United States in 1958. He moved to the Bronx in New York and was employed as a dishwasher. He worked for a restaurateur who later sold his restaurant to him. Mr. Lolos expanded his business gradually and became a small business entrepreneur. He moved to Newport News and purchased Steve’s Steakhouse. Mr. Lolos has opened his business on Thanksgiving Day to feed the area’s homeless and also provides dinner on a regular basis to the Seamen’s group. He has provided food and financial assistance to the crew of a ship that had been stranded in Newport News by its owner. He feeds groups of students from around the world, most recently students from Europe and has donated food to the Youth Challenge Annual Dinner. (return to top)
Anthony C. Long (2000) – Both in his ownership of Long’s Billiard Supply and in his civic service, Anthony C. Long has built on his ability to provide solutions and high quality service. He has focused strongly on volunteering in the education arena. Mr. Long is an advocate for community involvement to enhance social conditions and for religious awareness for the betterment of families of all faiths. (return to top)
Wayne A. MacMasters (2013) – Founder and president of Tidewater Physical Therapy, Wayne MacMasters is recognized as supporting causes that give support to individuals with disabilities. Most significantly, he serves on the Board of Directors of the Arc of the Virginia Peninsula and as director of their Arc Am Golf Tournament. Wayne also serves St. Andrews School. MacMasters received an undergraduate degree from the College of William & Mary and his Masters degree in Physical Therapy from Duke University. (return to top)
Mary Margaret (1973) – Native of Richmond, attended Alvernia College, graduated first in her class at St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing, Reading, Pennsylvania, received B.S.N. and Master’s degree in Hospital Administration from St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, able administrator and dedicated Bernardine Sister of St. Francis, active in multiple humanitarian and professional organizations and causes, since 1971 administrator of Mary Immaculate Hospital. (return to top)
Nick Mathews (1976) – Native of Greece, immigrated to America at age 17, eventually settled in Yorktown and opened his world famous restaurant in 1944, recipient of numerous citations and awards for his patriotism and community service including among others the Book of Golden Deeds from the York County Exchange Club, Citation for Community Service from the Virginia Restaurant Association, the D.A.R.’s special Americanism Award, the Order of Ahepa and the Distinguished Virginia Award of the District Exchange Club, the Mathews made a gift in 1972 of 21 acres of land to the Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission to be used as the site for the state’s Victory Center for the nation’s 200th birthday observance. (return to top)
Lewis A. McMurran, Jr. (1974) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Washington and Lee University, Lt. Commander in U.S. Navy in World War II, distinguished member of the House of Delegates since 1948 and community leader, service as president of Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, PUF Chairman, commissioner of the Peninsula Ports Authority of Virginia, chairman of Virginia’s 350th Anniversary Commission and its Independence Bicentennial Commission, a founder of Christopher Newport College and 1973 recipient of its Distinguished Award, a deacon of First Presbyterian Church. (return to top)
Lewis A. McMurran, Jr. (1974) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Washington and Lee University, Lt. Commander in U.S. Navy in World War II, distinguished member of the House of Delegates since 1948 and community leader, service as president of Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, PUF Chairman, commissioner of the Peninsula Ports Authority of Virginia, chairman of Virginia’s 350th Anniversary Commission and its Independence Bicentennial Commission, a founder of Christopher Newport College and 1973 recipient of its Distinguished Award, a deacon of First Presbyterian Church. (return to top)
Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson (2023) – Dr. Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson serves as an associate professor at Hampton University’s School of Nursing. Active in the community, she serves on the Virginia Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force for Long Term Care and the State COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Workgroup. Ethlyn also serves as a board member for the Peninsula Agency on Aging and the Southern Gerontological Society, chair of the board for the Hampton Roads American Heart Association, and vice-president of the board of the Doctor of Nursing Practice of Color, Inc. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (Hampton, VA) and the Links Incorporated (Newport News, VA). During the pandemic, Dr. McQueen-Gibson has taken an active role in testing and vaccine hesitancy education. (return to top)
Christine B. Mignogna (2011) – Received a B.S. degree in Environmental Health from Old Dominion University. In 2000, Christine became the Zoning Administrator, City of Newport News, VA, having the main responsibility of administering and enforcing the zoning ordinances of the city. She is active in several local, regional, and state professional committees, such as the Zoning Officials Association and the Building Code Officials Association, where she has held leadership positions. She has also served as the Zoning Department’s representative on the Mayor’s Committee on Disabilities. Christine and her husband, Al, are members of the Classic Cruisers Car Club and have coordinated many philanthropic activities in the form of fundraisers to benefit the Relay for Life, the Good Bank, and the Natasha House, among others. A member of Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Newport News, VA, she has been active in many areas. Christine privately visits those in need and supports them financially and by providing meals. She and her husband are the parents of two daughters. (return to top)
Billie M. Millner (2007) – Billie M. Millner is Newport News born and reared. In service to this country, he rose to the rank of Marine Captain, and later earned his law degree from University of Virginia. After establishing his own law firm in Newport News, he joined Jones, Blechman, Woltz & Kelly in 1987. Billie’s service to the community includes board leadership roles with Hampton Roads Academy, Christopher Newport University, and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission. He has also served as Vice Mayor of the City of Newport News, and has been instrumental in much of the development of the downtown area. He and his wife are parents of four and grandparents of seven. (return to top)
Lynne Moore (1999) – Lynne Moore is founder and president of Lynne North American, a 47-state household goods motor carrier and exclusive agent for North American Van Lines, Inc. in Hampton Roads. She serves on the boards of various organizations and is involved as a member of the Governor’ s Job Training Coordinating Council and the Virginia Peninsula Chamber, Peninsula Rotary Club, Women’s Professional Fastpitch League, An Achievable Dream Program and other organizations. (return to top)
Louis G. Morris (2014) – The expectation to give back was instilled in Louis G. Morris by his parents at a young age. He is proud to now have the opportunity to do that both professionally and personally. Louis is President and Chief Executive Officer of Old Point National Bank, which has a long history of community investment. Louis has been actively involved in his community through a number of local organizations. He is currently serving as President and Treasurer of the Phoebus Lions Club, and he has served as the Chairman of the Board for the Hampton Roads Chapter of the American Red Cross. Louis also lends his skills and passion as Commissioner and Vice Chairman of the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority. His family lineage of educators has drawn him to be involved with local efforts for expanding opportunities of students. He has served as Chair of the ODU Educational Foundation, as a board member and Treasurer of the Hampton Education Foundation, and as a current board member and former President of the New Horizons Education Foundation. He also served as an adjunct professor for banking courses offered at Thomas Nelson Community College. (return to top)
Kenneth B. Murov (2010) – Holding degrees from Washington & Lee University and Louisiana State University, Kenneth B. Murov is an attorney practicing law in Newport News. An active member of the community, Mr. Murov serves as President of the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. He is also active in Rodef Shalom Temple, and served on the Newport News School Board for eight years, including two years as Chairman. Kenny also supports the American Red Cross, the American Israel Political Action Committee, and the Jewish Cemetery of the Virginia Peninsula. He and his wife Robin have three children and two grandchildren. (return to top)
Sonya R. Nachman (2004) – Sonya R. Nachman’s contributions as a community volunteer extend over five decades. Since serving her second term as president of the Hampton Roads Section of the National Council of Jewish Women, her passion has been “Into Safe Arms,” a program in which a newborn unable to be cared for by its mother could be brought to a safe haven, such as a hospital emergency room, rather than left to die. The program became law in Virginia on July 1, 2003. She is a tireless advocate for arts and cultural institutions as well as serving on the board of the Cultural Alliance for Greater Hampton Roads and as a member of the Virginia Living Museum, Peninsula Fine Arts Center, The Mariners Museum, The Virginia Symphony and several other arts organizations. (return to top)
David Ann Niski (2004) – First as an educator, then as an advocate for those whose voices might otherwise go unheard, Sister David Ann Niski has devoted her life to serving the disadvantaged. She managed an emergency shelter for the general population during hurricane Isabel and secured for another shelter that housed individuals and families with special needs related to advanced age, medical infirmity and homelessness. For the past three years, she has served on the steering committee of PORT, an overnight shelter program for the homeless administered by the Living Interfaith Network of Hampton Roads in cooperation with participating churches. As executive director of the Bernadine Franciscan Sisters Foundation, she has directed the distribution of funding for elder care, the homeless, education, children with special needs, and programs that advance the general health of the community. (return to top)
Lloyd U. Noland, Jr. (1969) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Dartmouth and The Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, successful business man, humanitarian and leader in multiple state and community organizations, business, educational and charitable causes, commission appointments and economic advisor to Virginia Governors Almond, Harrison and Godwin, recent recipient of Honorary Doctor of Laws from William and Mary. (return to top)
Andrew T. “Tom” Olaisen (2019) – Tom Olaisen joined the Boys Club of Newport News in 1946 at the age of eleven, just two months after the club first opened. His membership at the club ended when he turned sixteen but he returned to assist in craft programs and special events. In January 1954, Tom was offered a full-time position at the Club and he readily accepted the job of Educational Director. In 1961, he was promoted to Program Director, and four years later in 1965, he was appointed the Executive Director. Under Tom’s leadership, the Club integrated in 1965 and began serving girls in 1991, changing the name to Boys & Girls Club of the Virginia Peninsula. Tom was recognized by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia for 52 years of outstanding service with the Boys & Girls Club of the Virginia Peninsula. (return to top)
One Hundred Black Men of America, Inc., Virginia Peninsula Chapter (2019) – The concept of the 100 began in New York in 1963 when a group of concerned African American men began to meet to explore ways of improving conditions in their community. They envisioned an organization that would implement programs designed to improve the quality of life for African Americans and other minorities. The Virginia Peninsula Chapter, founded in 1991, provides a positive mentoring presence in the Hampton Roads communities. They work in partnership with youth, families, community leaders, and institutions to help African American youth and their families maximize their potential by providing mentoring, parenting education, and programs that focus on health & wellness, economic empowerment, education, and leadership development. (return to top)
Patient Advocate Foundation (2008) – The Patient Advocate Foundation was founded by Nancy Davenport-Ennis to achieve insurance reforms through legislation to protect cancer patients from discrimination or marginalization in their time of need. PAF seeks to provide patients with life threatening diseases with access to care, continuing employment, preservation of financial stability, and personal respect as valued members of society. With programs in education, active outreach to underserved and minority communities, financial and insurance training and access, and by guaranteeing the rights of people during a fearful time in their lives, the Patient Advocate Foundation has enhanced and extended the care of those who need it most. (return to top)
Albert Woodfin Patrick, Jr. (1995) – Albert Woodfin Patrick, Jr., President of W. T. Patrick and Sons, has been involved in the changes and growth of the Hampton community. A member of Hampton Baptist Church, Mr. Patrick serves as its trustee, life deacon, chairman of the Board of Deacons and an officer in the Sunday School. For twenty years he was on the Board of Sentara Hampton General Hospital, where he was Chairman from 1987 to 1993; he continues to serve as Trustee Emeritus there. Mr. Patrick is a member of the Hampton Rotary Club, of which he was President and honored as a Paul Harris Fellow; he is a member of the St. Tammany Lodge #5, Scottish Rite and York Rite Bodies, the Khedive Shrine, Tall Cedars of Lebanon and Royal Order of Jesters. Currently, “Woody” Patrick is on the Board of Directors of the Virginia Baptist Homes, Inc. and also serves as Vice President of the Peninsula S.P.C.A. He has been actively involved with the growth of the Y.M.C.A., served on the planning committee for the Hampton Coliseum, was a board member of the Virginia Student Aid Foundation, and was President of the Hampton Wythe Little League. (return to top)
Donald N. Patten (1980) – Native of Newport News, a graduate of the University of Richmond and the University of Virginia Law School, a Captain in the U.S. Army Reserve, a successful attorney and community leader, a member of the Newport News City Council since 1978, a past chairman of the Newport News Planning Commission as well as president of the local unit of the American Cancer Society, a former member of the budget committee of the Peninsula United Fund, currently president of Mary Immaculate Hospital, a member of the Peninsula Planning District Commission, active in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. (return to top)
David L. Peebles (1979) – Native of Hampton, graduate of Clemson University, successful businessman and community leader, president of Ferguson Enterprise, Inc., active in numerous business and educational causes including among others a past president of the Southern Wholesales Association and the Peninsula Builders Exchange, service on the Board of Sponsors of the College of William and Mary School of Business and the Peninsula Arts Association, a member of the executive committee of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and a committee member of the executive committee of the Council for Urban Economic Development, a vestryman of Abington Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center (2024) – Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center (PPCC) is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1973 by a group of clergy and laity on the Virginia Peninsula. For more than 50 years, PPCC has served individuals, couples, and families by providing professional counseling and consultation in a faith context. PPCC is committed to removing barriers to care, making sure that anyone who seeks help can receive it. Their donor-supported Client Assistance Fund covers counseling fees for the uninsured, underinsured, and those who can’t afford to pay., PPCC is committed to providing support and education that reaches a larger audience than can be done in their one-on-one counseling through over 40 partnerships with local congregations, businesses, universities, military, and other community organizations. PPCC also equips clergy and congregations to advocate for and walk alongside people who are struggling, helping faith communities think through and implement the best ways to care for the families in their congregations.(return to top)
Peninsula READS (2020) – Peninsula READS is a community-based adult literacy program that provides one-on-one instruction in the areas of reading, writing, and math, as well as small group instruction in English for speakers of other languages, provided by trained volunteers. By helping them attain their literacy goals, Peninsula READS is helping them to be more effective in their lives and community. Any adult 18 years and older who is not enrolled in high school and would like to receive literacy tutoring services is qualified to receive assistance. With about 30,000 adults on the Peninsula without a high school diploma, a typical learner is an adult whose literacy skills are below a fourth grade level. Since 1968, Peninsula READS has been teaching adult literacy, serving about 250 learners per year. Since 1971, Peninsula READS has been a member agency of the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula. On two occasions, the Virginia Literacy Foundation recognized Peninsula READS as an “Outstanding Private Literacy Group” in Virginia. (return to top)
People to People (2001) – “People to People,” a community-oriented civic organization, provides opportunities for sharing experiences and developing common perspectives in an on-going effort to find solutions to community problems. In 1992, founders Herbert V. Kelly and McKinley P. Price envisioned an assembly of responsible, prominent civic leaders working together to improve race relations and the quality of life for Newport News citizens. Over the years, “People to People” has been instrumental in providing recommendations, solutions, and assistance to citizens as they relate to each other and their city government. (return to top)
Selma “BeBe” Petock (2005) – An active volunteer on the Virginia Peninsula for more than 40 years, Selma “BeBe” Petock served as secretary of the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula Board and as chairman of the Women’s Division of the United Jewish Appeal. She volunteered in the Russian Resettlement Program for new families in 1993 and was employment coordinator for the Resettlement Program from 1993-95. BeBe has been active in legislative and political activities, including three years as legislative aide to former Delegate Alan Diamonstein. A member of many community service organizations, she is a past vice president of the Newport News Chapter of Hadassah and has been a member of the Hampton-Newport News Community Services Board; the City of Newport News Electoral Board; and the NCCJ Peninsula Chapter Board. BeBe and her husband Norman have two sons and three grandchildren. (return to top)
C. Michael And Nancy B. Petters (2020) – Mike Petters is president and CEO of Huntington Ingalls Industries, America’s largest military shipbuilding company and a provider of professional services to partners in government and industry. He is also a member of HII’s Board of Directors. A native of Florida, Mike earned a B.S. from the U.S. Naval Academy, and an MBA from The College of William and Mary. Nancy B. Petters is the president of the board of directors at Downtown Hampton Child Development Center, which serves children from age 6 weeks to 5 years and operates on a sliding scale for tuition. Originally from Franklin, VA, she earned a B.A. from The College of William and Mary, and taught French in Virginia Beach public schools and at Hilton Presbyterian Preschool. Nancy and Mike are passionate about the need for delivery of high-quality early childhood education for all, and are engaged in and supportive of multiple organizations that work to enhance the lives of children. This includes the Downtown Hampton Childhood Development Center; An Achievable Dream, and Camp Launch, a two-week residential program providing seventh- and eighth-grade gifted students from low-income families with enrichment and academic opportunities on the campus of William and Mary. (return to top)
W.R. “Pat” Phillips (1996) – Pat Phillips, retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Newport News Shipbuilding, is a life member of the Navy League and serves on the Executive Board and as President of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. He served previously as Chairman of the Hampton Roads Chapter of SNAME and has memberships in the American Society of Naval Engineers, Naval Submarine League, the Surface Navy Association, the American Shipbuilding Association, the American Bureau of Shipping Council and the Propeller Club of the United States. He was a former member of the NAO Industrial Advisory Group and past President of the Engineers’ Club of the Virginia Peninsula. He currently serves on the boards of the Mariners’ Museum, the Committee of 100 at VPI, Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges, the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, the Virginia Business Council and is on the Board of Directors of the Virginia Manufacturers Association. Phillips was named “Peninsula Engineer of the Year” by the Peninsula Engineers Committee and was a recipient of the First Annual International Maritime Hall of Fame Award. (return to top)
Mae Barbee Pleasant (2007) – Many honors have been bestowed upon Mae Barbee Pleasant, all due to her lifelong commitment to carrying out her beliefs in her communities. A graduate of Tennessee State University, with a Master’s degree from Hampton Institute, she is retired from the latter after an impressive career in the education field. She volunteers in many roles for her church, Saint Cyprian’s Episcopal, and has been a community advocate and committee member for many civic organizations, particularly those promoting education, equality, youth, and community service, such as the Gamma Upsilon Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. (return to top)
McKinley L. Price (1996) – McKinley Price earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from Howard University. His professional memberships include the American Dental Association, National Dental Association, American Dental Society of Anesthesiology, and the Peninsula Dental Society, of which he was the first African American President. He was appointed as chairman of the School Board of Newport News and has served on the Hampton Roads Public Transportation Coalition, East End Waterfront Task Force, the Board of Greater Hampton Roads Boys and Girls Club, the Peninsula Industrial Finance Corporation, the Newport News Education Foundation, the School Assignment Task Force, the NCCJ, Future Task Force and the Peninsula Trust Bank. Price also serves as co-chair of People to People and is associate chairman of “Achievable Dream.” He is a founding member of the Hampton Roads Chapter of 100 Black Men and has received awards as the Dentist of the Year, Man of the Year, the Black and White Award, and the President’s Humanitarian Award of 100 Black Men. (return to top)
Valerie S. Price (2020) – Valerie Scott Price taught for 30 years before starting The GET UP Project to educate parents in preparing their children for kindergarten. She is a member of several organizations and boards such as Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Lambda Omega Chapter (Life Member), Past Chairman of the Newport News Healthy Families Initiative’s Community Advisory Board (and member of the Blue Ribbon Committee), and Chairman of the Peninsula Agency on Aging’s Community Advisory Board. Representing the 3rd Congressional District, she was a Governor appointee to the Commonwealth Council on Aging, serving as the Chairman during her term. A lifelong member of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, she has served as a Trustee, past president and current Vice President of the Episcopal Church Women, two three-year terms on the vestry, and as a member of the choir. Valerie is a native of Newport News, educated in the Newport News Public Schools, before receiving her B.S. from Hampton Institute (now University) and M.S.Ed. from Old Dominion University. (return to top)
Jessie M. Rattley (1976) – Native of Birmingham, Alabama, graduate of Hampton Institute with honors, outstanding leader in numerous community causes and a pioneer in establishing business training for Blacks on the Peninsula, founder of the Peninsula Business College, first woman and member of her race to be elected to the Newport News City Council, a member of the Democratic National Committee, president of the Peninsula Coordinating Committee, a life member of the NAACP, Who’s Who Among American Women, a recipient of numerous awards including among others Hampton Institutes’ Distinguished Alumnus Award for unselfish contributions to the needs of humanity and a citation as a Woman of Courage by Church Women United. (return to top)
Theodore R. Reiff and Anthony R. Santoro (2023) – Dr. Theodore R. Reiff is an internationally known Holocaust researcher, esteemed physician, and highly regarded medical educator. Dr. Reiff is regarded globally for his research on war crimes committed by Nazi physicians under Hitler’s rule. He is a sought-after lecturer on genocide studies, medical malpractice, and the consequences of human rights violations, and the founding president of the Genocide Education Project. Dr. Anthony R. Santoro is a Distinguished Professor of History and President Emeritus at Christopher Newport University. One of his specialties is National Socialist German History. These two longtime friends and academics ensured their life’s work, research, and teaching about National Socialist Germany and the Holocaust will continue at the highest level, having established the Reiff-Santoro professorship in History at Christopher Newport University. Dr. Reiff’s million-dollar investment is the largest, single-donor endowed professorship at Christopher Newport, and will be used to carry on the important work Reiff and Santoro have conducted for decades. (return to top)
Dwight S. Riddick, Sr. (2012) – The Reverend Dr. Dwight S. Riddick, Sr. is a native of Chesapeake, Virginia and has been Pastor of Gethsemane Baptist Church for the last 23 years. He graduated from Norfolk State University with a B.A. Degree in 1982, received a Master of Divinity from The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University of Richmond in 1991, and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Regent University in 2005. Dr. Riddick has served as Vice President, Hampton University Ministers’ Conference and he is a past president of the Baptist General Convention and a former member of the Virginia Union University Board of Trustees. Pastor Riddick and his wife, Vera, are the proud parents of two children. (return to top)
Riverside Foundation (2013) – The Riverside Foundation was created in 1999 by Riverside Health System to benefit the community. Its mission is to steward philanthropic gifts that further Riverside’s mission to care for others as we would care for those we love – to enhance their well-being and improve their health. The Riverside Foundation wants citizens to receive the highest quality of healing care, education, and preventive resources available. (return to top)
William T. Roos (1973) – Native of Wilmington, Delaware, graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, service in U.S. Navy, successful merchant and businessman, active leader in numerous business and civic organizations of the area, including among others the Peninsula Industrial Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Boys Club, Boy Scouts, a former president of the Retail Merchants Association, Downtown Newport News Association, Family Service/Travelers Aid Association, United Community Services, chairman of the Allied Jewish Appeal and treasurer of Temple Sinai, in 1961 named “Retailer of the Year.” (return to top)
William T. Saunders, Jr. (1994) – Mr. Saunders is a Senior Vice President/Investment Officer with Wheat First Securities. Mr. Saunders is actively involved in the Boys and Girls Club of the Virginia Peninsula. He serves on the Board of the Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation and the Board of Commonwealth Information Services. (return to top)
Sylvia H. Scholnick (2009) – Since her arrival in Williamsburg in 1967, Sylvia H. Scholnick has devoted herself to service to the Jewish community, The College of William and Mary, and the larger community. With a degree from Wellesley College and a doctorate from Brandeis University, she undertook studies leading to ordination as rabbi in 1995. As rabbi of Temple Beth El until her retirement in 2007, she guided members to reach out to the wider community, in relief efforts during crises, to Habitat for Humanity, to Williamsburg Partnership, and to Hospice programs. She is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding, with a goal of creating a world of shalom – peace, wholeness, and harmony. Sylvia and her husband are the proud parents of two grown sons and have a new grandson. (return to top)
C. Waldo Scott (1978) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Howard University and the Medical School of the University of Michigan, dedicated physician and community leader, named a fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1951, a past president of the Old Dominion Medical Society, service on the boards of the Peninsula Community Services Planning Council, Virginia Council on Human Relations, the Newport News School Board, Hampton General Hospital and the Board of Visitors of Virginia State and Norfolk State Colleges, a former vestryman of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Walter S. Segaloff (1974) – Native of New York City, graduate of University of Michigan, successful businessman, active leader in numerous business and civic organizations of the area including among others the Downtown Newport News Association, Redevelopment Association, Planning Commission and Retail Merchants Association, local chairman, national board and executive committee of the United Jewish Appeal, recipient of 1964 Jaycee Distinguished Service Award and 1966 Retailer of the Year Award, active member of Rodef Sholom Temple. (return to top)
Conway H. Sheild III (2004) – Conway H. Sheild, III, has been at the forefront of many community organizations focused on improving human relations and social welfare. A partner in the law firm of Jones, Blechman, Woltz and Kelly, he has served in leadership capacities with the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula; including two terms as campaign chairman; the Metropolitan YMCA, presiding over its board and capital fund drive; and the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, serving as chairman and general counsel Among his many affiliations, he is also chairman of the board of the WHRO Foundation and past president of the Peninsula Fine Arts Center. (return to top)
Robert F. Shuford, Jr. (2022) – Robert Shuford, Jr., is Chairman, President, and CEO of Old Point Financial Corporation. A veteran of the US Navy, Rob is active member of the local community. He serves as the treasurer of the CIVIC Leadership Institute Board of Directors and as treasurer of Greater Peninsula Now. He also serves on the CNU Education Foundation board as well as that of Youth Sailing Virginia. Rob was a member of Hampton’s 400th Anniversary 2010 Commemorative Committee, Sesquicentennial Committee, and 2019 Commemorative Commission. His previous board service includes serving as the Chair of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, President of the YMCA of the Virginia Peninsulas, and a member of the VersAbility Board of Directors. (return to top)
Brian K. Skinner (2015) – Mr. Skinner is President of TowneBank Peninsula/Williamsburg, the largest bank in the region with a team of approximately 125 bankers spanning 5 lines of business across the Virginia Peninsula/Williamsburg Region. Mr. Skinner also serves on the boards of the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, An Achievable Dream, United Way of Virginia Peninsula, and is President/Trustee of Virginia Living Museum. For past 18 years, he has worked with the Boys and Girls Clubs of the VA Peninsula, holding nearly all positions on the board and serving as Chair from 2010-2012. (return to top)
Jeffery O. Smith (2019) – Dr. Jeffery O. Smith began his tenure as superintendent of Hampton City Schools in 2015. He strongly believes that the school division has a greater impact when there are strong community partnerships. To this end, Dr. Smith is a member of the following boards: Sentara Healthcare, Smart Beginnings of the Virginia Peninsula, Virginia Air and Space Center, VersAbility Resources, a member of the Region V GO Virginia Council, and president of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS). He also serves as the superintendent-in-charge for New Horizons Regional Education Centers and is a 2017-2018 graduate of the Civic Leadership Institute. Dr. Smith has pastored for more than 34 years, serving as pastor of the Macedonia Baptist Church, Union Prospect Baptist Church, and Garland Avenue Baptist Church. (return to top)
Alfred W. Soter (1993) – Mr. Soter is a retired businessman. He served as President of Mr. Frosty Seafoods, Inc. from 1954 – 1977. He now serves as a community volunteer in many church, civic and business groups in the Peninsula area of Virginia. He serves on the Board of the Seamen’s Friend House, the Gildersleeve and McMurran portrait foundations, the Knights of Columbus and our Lady of Mt. Carmel Roman Catholic Church. (return to top)
Doretha J. Spells (2014) – Doretha J. Spells ensures that thousands of people realize the dream of a state-of-the-art education at Hampton University. In fact, she considers it her greatest contribution to the community, having arose through the ranks to become the first female appointed as Chief Financial Officer in the history of the University. She currently serves as Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer. She also provides oversight to the Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute, which is the 8th cancer proton therapy facility and largest in the world. Doretha is very active in her community, especially at New Beech Grove Baptist Church where she is a member and currently serves as a Deaconess, Sunday School Teacher, and Youth Mentor. In addition, she is Finance Committee Chair, Building Committee Vice-Chair, and Logistics Coordinator. Doretha is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Chair of the Audit Committee. (return to top)
Turner M. Spencer (1998) – Turner Spencer is a professor of biology and Chairman of the Department of Biology at Thomas Nelson Community College. He holds degrees from Virginia State University, Hampton University, and the College of William & Mary. He is former Vice-Mayor of the City of Hampton, a member of Hampton City Council and Chairman and former Vice Chair of PENTRAN. He also is chairman of Hampton Redevelopment & Housing Authority, a member of the Virginia Municipal League, and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Peninsula Aids Foundation. He is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Virginia Living Museum, Virginia Peninsula Economic Development Council and Purchasing and Procurement Oversight Committee for the City of Hampton. He has received various awards and honors from a variety of organization. (return to top)
Joycelyn Spight Roache (2021) – Joycelyn Spight Roache is Vice President, Commercial Relationship Manager and Lead Underwriter at Old Point National Bank. Active in the community, she is Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors of the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula and she serves on the Board of the Peninsula Industrial Finance Corporation and the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. Joycelyn is also a member of the Board of Directors of Versability Resources, Inc., an organization which provides services and support to individuals with disabilities. She previously served two terms as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and is a Past President of the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank Board. Joycelyn is a recipient of the prestigious Inside Business 2020 Women in Business Achievement Award. (return to top)
Harriet Storm (1996) – Harriet Storm, formerly a reporter and editor with The Daily Press, is currently a free lance writer and PR consultant. She has served as a member of the boards of the Hampton Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities, the National Conference, Temple Sinai, Friends of the Homeless Shelter, Holocaust Education Center Steering Committee, Newport News Living Interfaith Network (LINK), Hampton Clean City Commission, Hampton-Newport News Community Services and Longwood Center for Visual Arts. Storm has chaired the Virginia Association of Community Services and served as president of the Society of Alumni at William and Mary. Other activities at William and Mary include being former chair of the Committee on Judaic Studies, serving on the Cypher Society, the William and Mary Fund, and a member of the Board of Visitors. She has held positions on the National Council of Jewish Women, the American Cancer Virginia Associated Press Women’s New Committee, the Little England Chapel Foundation, the Peninsula United Way and the Virginia Symphony. She has received the Alumni Medallion, the Outstanding Volunteer Award from the American Cancer Society, as well as awards from ORT, the March of Dimes, the Virginia Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, the Peninsula Legal Aid Center, the Virginia Association of Community Services Board, the Exchange Club of Hampton and the Humanitarian Award from the Human Rights Commission of the City of Newport News. (return to top)
Jennifer E. Stuebbe (2012) – Jennifer E. Stuebbe grew up in Newport News, attending Ferguson High School. She pursued her degree at Virginia Tech and then returned to Newport News working as a Vocational Counselor before relocating to Charlotte, N.C. She held many leadership roles in Charlotte while owning her own Executive Search Firm. In 2009 she returned to the area and is now employed with Dixon Hughes Goodman, LLP as their Director of Employment Solutions. Active in the community, Jennifer is President of the Rotary Club of Newport News, serves on the Board of Directors of An Achievable Dream, is a Community Council member for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Peninsula, was the founder and chairperson of Classroom Central in Charlotte, North Carolina. Jennifer has a young son. (return to top)
Timothy J. Sullivan (1998) – Timothy Sullivan is the twenty-fifth president of the College of William & Mary. He previously taught law at the College and became Associate Dean. He was visiting law professor at the University of Virginia School of Law. He served three years as executive assistant for policy under then Governor Charles Robb. He returned to William & Mary and became dean of the law school. He is a member of the Virginia State Bar and the Ohio State Bar and a Fellow of the Virginia Bar Foundation. He was given the Freedom of the Draper’s Company of London in 1992 and in 1993 received an LLD (hon.) from the University of Aberdeen. Active in public service, he has been executive director of the Governor’s Commission on the Future of the Virginia Judicial System, a member of the Virginia Board of Education and the governor’s task force on Substance Abuse and Sexual Assault on Campus. He was also appointed by Governor Doug Wilder as chair of the governor’s task force on Intercollegiate and Interscholastic Athletics. (return to top)
Alexis N. Swann (2019) – Alexis Swann is the Peninsula Market President and Hampton Roads Business Banking Manager of Wells Fargo. She brings over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. Active in the community, Alexis serves as a board member of the Christopher Newport University School of Business Advisory Board, the Jamestown Yorktown Foundation, Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, and the Newport News Police Foundation. Past leadership roles include the Peninsula Habitat for Humanity, Black Chamber of Commerce, and the Urban League Guild. Alexis is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta. A strong advocate for financial literacy, Alexis volunteers her time doing presentations in fairs, schools, and expos within the market. (return to top)
Kevin G. Swann (2021) – Rev. Dr. Kevin G. Swann is the Senior Pastor of Ivy Baptist Church, where he has served since 2006. Under his leadership, the church has provided transformational service and outreach to the community. In 2003, Dr. Swann co-founded Six House, Inc., a non-profit faith-based community outreach ministry. In 2007, he co-founded the “Pastor’s Study,” a weekly radio broadcast. In 2008, Dr. Swann founded Kevin Swann Enterprises, a non-profit faith-based organization that provides services to underprivileged youth and adults in Southeastern Virginia. The mission is to inspire, instill and ignite programs and services that empower youth and adults through character building, capital empowerment and community service. Rev. Swann is also a motivational speaker and has given presentations on college campuses, at schools, and for businesses throughout the United States. (return to top)
Ann Darling & James H. Tormey (2003) – Throughout their married life, Ann Darling and James H. Tormey have complemented and collaborated with each other in their civic service. A Hampton native, Mrs. Tormey accompanied her husband on several overseas assignments with the U. S. Army, where she was active in volunteer work. After retiring from the military to Hampton, both became active members of St. John’s Church, through vestry, choir and outreach. Both Tormeys have served as Board members and busy volunteers for American Red Cross Hampton Roads Chapter. The Tormeys are perhaps best known to Hampton as the driving force in developing the 700 member volunteer group which became the Hampton History Museum Association. Their management and organizational skills brought together support from government, public and private sectors to complete a multi-million dollar building project, which will be the centerpiece for telling the Hampton story for future generations. (return to top)
Rosemary D. Trible (2016) – Ms. Trible, founder and President of Fear 2 Freedom (F2F), has dedicated her life to public service and investing the values of excellence and leadership in the next generation. She is devoted to walking alongside young women to inspire them to lead fulfilled lives, empower them to overcome past challenges, and serve others, changing this world for good. F2F’s mission is twofold: to redeem and restore those wounded by sexual assault, bringing them hope and healing, and to change the cultural understanding of this issue by empowering college students. Additionally, as the First Lady of Christopher Newport University for the past eighteen years, Mrs. Trible has played an active role in the lives of college students alongside her husband, former US Senator and Congressman Paul Trible. (return to top)
Helmuth W. ‘Chip’ Trieshmann (2022) – Dr. Chip Trieshmann retired from Hampton Veterans Affairs Medical in February 2020, but signed up for the Virginia Medical Reserve Corp in the height of the pandemic. He has been a board member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula for over 20 years and served as Chairman from 2018-2020. He chaired the American Heart Association Peninsula Heart Ball in 2009. The Trieshmann family were original members of the Encore Society of the Ferguson Center for the Arts and continue to support it and the new Torggler Fine Arts Center. Chip helped to establish the Trieshmann Health & Fitness Pavilion in the Freeman Center at Christopher Newport University. He has been a mentor at the New Horizons Governor’s School for Science & Technology and volunteer at The Virginia Living Museum. (return to top)
Mark L. Tysinger (2018) – Mark Tysinger has served as the president of Tysinger Motor Company since 1986. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce and of William and Mary’s Marshall Wythe Law School. He was a practicing attorney with Kaufman and Canoles in Norfolk prior to taking the “helm” of Tysinger Motor Company. Under Mark’s leadership and as part of his commitment to creating an inclusive work environment for all his employees, Tysinger was instrumental in securing insurance benefits for domestic partners through the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association, and was one of HRBOR’s first partners. Additionally, Mark has served on the Industrial Development Authority for the cities of Hampton and Poquoson, the boards of Mary Immaculate Hospital, Goodwill and Junior Achievement. He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association, and in 2018, joined the board of Greater Peninsula Now. (return to top)
Anna VanBuren (2005) – Anna Van Buren is president and owner of Digital Images; principal of Capitol Initiatives; resident of NASA Aeronautics Support Team, Inc.; and vice president for government services for The Faneuil Group, Inc. In addition to her successful business career, she currently serves on community boards including Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce; Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation; Thomas Nelson Community College Foundation; United Way of the Virginia Peninsula; Peninsula Alliance for Economic Development; WHRO Foundation; Future of Hampton Roads; and co-founder of WomenLead. Anna is the recipient of many awards including the Presidential Citizenship Citation from Hampton University and Woman of the Year for Business and Industry from the Peninsula Women’s Network, Inc. She is the parent of five children. (return to top)
Jeffrey C. Verhoef (2022) – Jeff Verhoef is the Director of Professional Development at PIVOT Physical Therapy. He was previously the Chief Executive Officer and Partner of Tidewater Physical Therapy. While at Tidewater Physical Therapy, he and his colleagues challenged each other to be a part of the community. In that spirit, Jeff’s current board service includes the Bernadine Sisters Foundation, Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula, Newport News Police Foundation, Christopher Newport University Athletics Advisory Council, and the James River Country Club where he serves as President. He recently served as a member for the City of Newport News EDA/IDA Board, the James River Association, and the Christopher Newport University Comprehensive Campaign Committee. (return to top)
Nick G. Vlahakis (2024) – Nick Vlahakis has had a 25-year career with ATK, culminating as Chief Operating Officer, with responsibility for 60 facilities in 22 states that employed 14,000 people. Nick’s contributions to the community include establishing and funding facilities for worship, learning, and the arts. Specifically in Williamsburg, the Vlahakis Education Center in the Hellenic Center, St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church is a 2-story building with offices, classrooms, and space for social events. At William & Mary, he has created the Vlahakis Recording Studio in the new music building on campus. It will be used both for the school and for a variety of projects serving the community. Nick is a member of Carnegie Mellon University’s CFA Dean’s Council, where he started working with students on entrepreneurial projects as part of the Music Entrepreneurship Program. Nick and his wife, Kimi, also established the Vlahakis Recording Studio at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Music, which will be operated in perpetuity. There is also a scholarship in his name at the school. (return to top)
Nicholas E. Vlattas (2010) – As Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company, Nicholas E. Vlattas has played a key role in the architectural firm’s growth and development. Born in Newport News, he received a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech in 1976. Mr. Vlattas is a life-long member of Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church and a major fundraiser for the church and other charities, such as Habitat for Humanity, MedLink medical missions and the LINK (Living Interfaith Network) PORT Emergency Homeless Winter Shelter Program. He is also a 25-year charter member of the Rotary Club of Oyster Point. Nick and his wife reside in Yorktown and have two grown children. (return to top)
W.M. Jordan Company (2010) – Founded by William M. Jordan and Robert T. Lawson in 1958, W. M. Jordan Company provides construction management, preconstruction services, general contracting, design build, and construction consulting services. The company’s portfolio includes more than 1,100 projects with a value in excess of $10 billion. Giving back to the community is a cornerstone of their corporate culture, contributing to over 200 charities annually. Additionally, the organization actively supports the United Way through a corporate and employee contribution program. Since 1990, W. M. Jordan Company has sponsored an annual golf tournament to benefit The Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters. W. M. Jordan employees serve on boards of many charitable organizations throughout the community. (return to top)
Philip S. Walker (1979) – Native of Newport News, a graduate of Virginia Union University and Howard University’s School of Law, able attorney and community leader, founder of the law firm of Walker, Smith, Felton and Scott, serves as substitute judge for the General District Court in Hampton, among others has served as president of the United Way, chairman of local chapter of the United Negro College Fund and board member of the Boys Club, Girl Scouts, NAACP-a life member and the Judicial Circuit Legal Aid Society, an award recipient of the Community Committee of Newport News in 1967 for achievement in the field of equal opportunity, a trustee of Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church. (return to top)
W.R. Walker, Jr. (1972) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Howard University, teacher, community leader and successful realtor and businessman, active in numerous business and civic organizations of the area, including among others UGF, Hampton Roads Boy’s Club and Peninsula Coordinating Committee and Newport News Homeownership Association, a past president of the Newport News Teachers League, Federal Credit Union, local chapter of NAACP and Virginia Association of Real Estate Brokers, a trustee and deacon of the Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church. (return to top)
George E. & Mary K. Wallace (2017) – Mr. & Mrs. Wallace, in retirement, continue to be active and contributing residents of Hampton. George earned his BS from North Carolina Central University and a MPA from Golden Gate University. He has spent most of his adult life in public service, both appointed and elected, as City Manager of Hampton and in Hampton City Council as Vice-Mayor and Mayor. Over the years, George has been affiliated with several service and civic groups, including the 100 Black Men of the Virginia Peninsula, The American Society for Public Administration, the Boys & Girl Clubs of Greater Hampton Roads, the Hampton Rotary, the Omega Psi Phi and Sigma Pi Phi fraternities, and First Baptist Church-Hampton. Mary is a retired educator, mentor and tutor in Hampton City Schools. She received a BA in History and Spanish from North Carolina Central University, MA in History from Hampton University and post graduate study at the College of William & Mary and the University of Mexico. Mrs. Wallace has demonstrated her passion for community service and volunteer involvement by focusing primarily on youth, education, and the needy. Among her past and current community and non-profit affiliations are the Hampton Council PTA, Aberdeen Gardens Historic and Civic Association, Inc., and the Hampton Citizens Unity Commission. She is a member of First Baptist Church of Hampton, the Hampton Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, the Hampton Chapter of the Links, Inc., and a Silver Life Member of the Hampton NAACP. (return to top)
Raymond W. Walsh (2017) – Mr. Walsh is the President and CEO of Metro Productions and M2 Pictures. He is also Partner, President and CEO of Metro Productions Government Services. Ray retired from the Army after 21 years active service in the grade of Lieutenant Colonel. He holds a BS in Accounting and an MBA in Marketing. Ray is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Metro Productions has provided pro-bono support to numerous non-profits, creating videos that are usually outside of non-profit budgets, such as for the American Heart Association of Richmond and Habitat for Humanity Greater Richmond Area. Ray encourages his employees to give and volunteer for nonprofits – even providing time off at Metro’s expense for employee volunteer efforts. Metro Media annually sponsors the Empty Bowls fundraising event in Hampton to address hunger. Their most recent endeavor, the Historic Post Office located in Downtown Hampton, will be one of the premier wedding and event venues on the Peninsula after a $1,000,000 plus renovation. (return to top)
Molly Joseph Ward (2014) – A native of Hampton, Virginia and a graduate of the University of Virginia and William and Mary Law School, Molly is admitted to both Federal and state courts. During her career, she has handled a wide range of matters including cases involving environmental issues, land use, and planning. Molly served as the elected treasurer for the city of Hampton from 2002 until 2008, reworking operations from an ineffective bureaucracy to focus on customer service and measurable results. She was elected Mayor of the City of Hampton in 2008, and was elected to a second term in 2012. In addition to leading a diverse, historic city with 140,000 residents, Molly represented the City and the Hampton Roads region at the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission on issues related to water quality, the Chesapeake Bay and historic sea level rise. She also served s Chair of the Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facilities Alliance and the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization. Molly led the bipartisan delegation that persuaded the President to make Fort Monroe a National Monument, the President’s first Antiquities Act designation. She was appointed to serve on the Virginia Outdoors Foundation by Gov. Tim Kaine and most recently served as Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House. Molly currently serves as the Secretary of Natural Resources for the State of Virginia. (return to top)
John W. Warner (1997) – Senator John W. Warner, from Virginia, was elected to the United States Senate on November 7, 1978. He was re-elected to a second term on November 6, 1984 and won a third term on November 6, 1990. Senator Warner is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and is the first Virginia Senator of either party to hold a chairmanship of a full Committee since 1966. He received his B.S. degree in basic engineering from Washington and Lee University and received his law degree from the University of Virginia. Senator Warner served in the Navy and the Marines Corps. He has also been Under Secretary and Secretary of the Navy. The Senator is a member of the Agriculture Committee, the Small Business Committee and the Special Committee on Aging. He is also a member of the Virginia Chapter of Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, the Sons of the American Revolution and the Alpha Chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa at Washington and Lee University. Senator Warner resides in Alexandria, Virginia and has three children and two grandchildren. (return to top)
Raymond G. Washington (1994) – Mr. Washington is Division Superintendent of Hampton City Schools. Mr. Washington is a board member of “The Boo Williams Basketball League,” Citizen’s Boy’s Club of Hampton, Junior League of Hampton Roads, Inc., Peninsula Youth Foundation, Inc., and the Hampton Youth Coalition. (return to top)
Howard B. Waters (1999) – Howard Waters is President of Waters Advertising Agency, Inc. in Newport News. Founded in 1960 by the late Leonard R. Waters, it is the Peninsula’s oldest and largest advertising agency. He served as Chairman of the Board for the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce in 1996, is the current Vice Chairman of the Thomas Nelson Community College Board, and is a past President of the Peninsula Rotary Club. He is also a Vice President of the Peninsula Fine Arts Center. He serves on numerous boards and received an Emmy Award in 1997 for a documentary on Holocaust survivors. (return to top)
Leonard R. Waters (1978) – Native of New York, graduate of New York University, served in the Navy in World War II, outstanding advertising executive and community leader, successful chairman for five years of the public relations committee of the Peninsula United Fund-director and trustee, past president of the Jewish Federation of Newport News/ Hampton/ Williamsburg and the Peninsula Executives Club, former chairman of the Peninsula Stadium Authority, past director of Mary Immaculate Hospital, YMCA and Rodef Sholom Temple. (return to top)
Henry Douglas Watson (2008) – A native of St. Louis, Missouri, Henry Douglas Watson received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory and Henry College, his Master of Divinity degree from Duke University’s Divinity School, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. His advanced training as a teaching chaplain came from the Duke Medical Center, Memphis Institute of Medicine and Religion, and Medical College of Virginia. As a United Methodist minister ordained Elder Full Connection, Doug has served as Director of Pastoral Care at Riverside Regional Medical Center as an educator and key spiritual leader for over thirty years. In the community, he is actively involved in the Samaritan group, Gloucester Housing Partnership, Habitat for Humanity, Heifer International, Appalachian Service Project, and as Chair of the Riverside Health System Employees Credit Union Board. He has been married to his wife Annette since 1966. (return to top)
Sylvia S. Weinstein Craft (2013) – Sylvia has been involved with careers that include education, business, communications, and now publishing, in her current role as Editor of the Oyster Pointer, which she also founded. Oyster Pointer focuses on the positive attributes of businesses in Newport News. Sylvia was the first female director of SunTrust Banks’ Peninsula division advisory board, a charter member of the Newport News Industrial Development Authority/Economic Development Authority, and is a current member of the Newport News Education Foundation. (return to top)
Caleb D. West, Jr. (1973) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Davidson College, served as Field Director with American Red Cross in World War II, successful realtor and businessman, active leader in numerous business and civic organizations of the area, including among others the Peninsula Orchestra Association, Red Cross, Boys Club, United Community Services, Regional Redevelopment and Housing Authority, a past president of the Virginia Association of Insurance Agents and the Exchange Clubs of Virginia, first recipient of local Jaycee “Young Man of the Year” award, active in the First Presbyterian Church. (return to top)
Stuart L. Whiting (1974) – Native of Norfolk, graduate of Hampton Institute and New York University School of Commerce, gifted teacher and successful realtor and insurance executive, active leader in numerous business and civic organizations of the area including among others the City of Hampton Safety Council, Employee’s Grievance Board and Planning Commission, the Advisory Board of Mary Immaculate Hospital, Citizens Boys’ Club of Hampton, a life member of the NAACP and vestryman of St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church. (return to top)
Gwendolyn R. Williams (2024) – Dr. Gwendolyn Williams is dedicated to improving the overall well-being of healthcare providers, decreasing burnout, and mitigating moral injury. She is an avid advocate for health equity for marginalized and historically disadvantaged groups and a self-proclaimed social justice warrior. Dr. Williams is the first woman to serve as President of the Medical Executive Committee at Sentara Care Plex Hospital. In 2022, she was elected as the President of the Society of Hospital Medicine, Hampton Roads Chapter. Prior to her role as Chief of Staff, she served as the Chief of Medicine and Vice President of the Medical Executive Committee. She is the Co-Chair of the Sentara Medical Group Wellness & Engagement Committee and utilized this role to bring many wellness initiatives to healthcare workers during the pandemic. She is proud to say she has helped to diversify the Board with more women than any other board in the Sentara system, and an increased number of People of Color and varying religions. (return to top)
Vickie R. Williams-Cullins (2014) – Vickie R. Williams-Cullins serves as a Hearing Officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Additionally, she has been an alternative dispute professional, trainer, and facilitator for over 12 years. Vickie’s business, OpN-Door Communications, meets the needs of the public and private sector by providing consultation on employee concerns as well as facilitation, mediation and workshop development. She is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. and subscribes heavily to their belief that we must all give back to the community. Vickie accomplished this with her many years of volunteer service with the city of Hampton, as an alumnae member of the Thomas C. Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership Fellowship program, member of the City of Newport News Reentry Council, and as the Social Action Chair of the Newport News Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Inc. One of Vickie’s proudest achievements is the creation of the Restoration of Rights Clinic concept. Since 2009,Vickie has generously given her time to train, facilitate, inform, inspire, and empower over 500 community leaders, citizens, and former offenders on how former offenders can get their civil rights restored. It is her belief that sometimes good people do bad things, but once you have paid your fines and done your time, you should have your civil rights restored. (return to top)
Wayne Williamson (1999) – Wayne Williamson is Manager of Community and Government Affairs at Virginia Power. He serves on the boards of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Peninsula Homebuilders Association, Salvation Army, Hampton Roads Public Transportation Alliance, Newport New Rotary Club, Williamsburg YMCA and the United Way. He served as past president of the Chamber of Commerce, was Campaign Chair for the United Way and was Honorary Commander of the First Logistics Group at Langley Air Force Base. (return to top)
Wesley C. Wilson (2009) – Wesley C. Wilson is president of Wilson’s Services, Inc., specializing in alternate dispute resolution, executive coaching and workforce diversity. A retired U.S. Army Aviation officer, he holds three graduate degrees. From Newport News to Gloucester, he has served on school boards and diversity councils for community foundations and industrial development authorities. A founding partner of Help Them Now, mentoring troubled African-American youth, he also serves on the steering committee of People To People and the board of the Peninsula Chapter 100 Black Men of America. Wilson enjoys his role as a living historian portraying the lives of Civil War U.S. Colored Troop Medal of Honor recipients. He and his wife of 54 years have two sons and five grandsons. (return to top)
Alan S. Witt (2010) – Born and raised in New Jersey, Alan S. Witt relocated to Newport News when he was in high school, and he has made his home on the Peninsula ever since. A graduate of Christopher Newport College (now University), Mr. Witt was appointed by two Governors to serve on the Board of Visitors at his alma mater, and he served as Rector for two years. Alan is Chief Executive Officer at Witt Mares, PL, and a member of many professional associations related to his role as CPA. In the community, he is Chairman of Riverside Health System, President of Greater Peninsula NOW, and a trustee with the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges. His professional and community work has been widely recognized, including selection as the Daily Press “Citizen of the Year” in 1995. Alan and his wife have three adult sons. (return to top)
Joseph R. Witt (2016) – Mr. Witt serves as the Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Business Development Officer for Old Point National Bank. He previously held the position of Treasurer at Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Joe earned a B.S. in Commerce from the McIntire School at the University of Virginia and an M.B.A. from the University of Richmond. He is also a Certified Public Accountant. Over the years, Joe has served numerous organizations as a volunteer and board member. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Old Point, is immediate past-Chair of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, Chairs the Christopher Newport University Luter School of Business Board of Advisors, Co-chairs the 50th Anniversary Committee at the Virginia Living Museum and serves on the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities Board. (return to top)
Nhu Q. Yeargin (2011) – Graduate of Christopher Newport College with a B.A. in International Relation and International Commerce and an M.B.A. from the College of William and Mary. Nhu has lived on the Peninsula since arriving as a teenager from the Far East. She applies her seemingly limitless energy to a large number of community groups that work for the betterment of our community and its citizenry, while holding down a full-time job as administrator of YLS, Inc. (a landscaping business) since 1990. She has been active for 18 years in the Peninsula Chinese American Association and served as President of the Peninsula Women’s Network. She has held a variety of leadership positions with the VPCC, the Mariners’ Museum, and the First United Church of Christ. Nhu and her husband have three sons. (return to top)
Robert M. Yacobi (1978) – Native of Newport News, graduate of Belmont Abbey College and the T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, served in the U.S. Army from 1952-55, able attorney and community leader, a former president of the Fraternal Order of Police Associates, Catholic Home Bureau, the Leukemia Society/Tidewater Chapter, and Grand Knight of the local Knights of Columbus Council, named Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court in 1975 and Chief Judge in 1976, served as lector and parish board member of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. (return to top)
Jean M. Yokum (2008) – Beginning her career as a teller, Jean M. Yokum has risen through the ranks to President and CEO and Treasurer of the Board of Directors of Langley Federal Credit Union. She has dedicated her career to improving the financial and personal well-being of military personnel and civilians across the Virginia Peninsula and greater Hampton Roads. A graduate of the Credit Union National Association Management School, Jean works actively in the financial education of young people to prepare them for the future work world. To assist individuals and families, she has built a Member Education Center at LFCU providing financial literacy seminars. In the community, she serves on the board of Virginia Air and Space Center Foundation, the Better Business Bureau, and Peninsula Family Services, and is active in United Way and United Services Organization. Jean is also devoted to her church, as a Sunday school teacher, and to her family. (return to top)
Chris S. Zambas (2004) – Over the past 28 years, Chris S. Zambas, has served six terms as an officer and as president of the Parish Council of Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church. As the congregation has grown to include individuals and families from diverse cultures, he has worked to integrate them into the close-knit community. He has assumed leadership roles in planning the annual Hellenic Festival and in furthering the mission of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), which seeks to preserve Greek history, provide access to higher learning opportunities, and promote civic responsibility. As manager and chief audiologist for Northrop Grumman Newport News, he is also an active volunteer with various organizations that support the disadvantaged and homeless. He served eight years on the Hampton Planning Commission, two as vice-chairman and two as chairman. He recently completed a three-year term on the city’s Solid Waste Management Commission. (return to top)
Jeanne Zeidler (2007) – Jeanne Zeidler became the first female Mayor for the City of Williamsburg in 1998. With an undergraduate degree from University of Wisconsin and a Master’s degree from the College of William and Mary, she has worked in museums, cultural and educational institutions for over thirty years. As a member of the Williamsburg Rotary Club, she was the first woman to serve as club president. Jeanne is also a Life Member of the NAACP. She is currently executive director of Jamestown 2007 and chair of the Historic Triangle Jamestown 2007 Host Committee. She and her husband Edward Crapol are the parents of one son. (return to top)
Victor A. Zodda (1979) – Native of Spring Valley, New York, graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, served in U.S. Navy in World War II, moved to the Peninsula in 1951 as general manager of the Newport News Dodgers, a past president of the Peninsula Sports Club and the Peninsula Baseball Club, successful restaurateur, sportsman and community leader, owner and operator of the Victor Management Company, a 1964 recipient of the S. J. Weilman Award of the Virginia Restaurant Association, a former chairman of the Newport News Democratic Committee and director of the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Committee, United Fund and Heart Association, a member of St. Vincent Catholic Church. (return to top)