Lynchburg Project Inclusion Educator Application
Dear Educator,
Thank you for your commitment to serve as a staff member at the Lynchburg City Schools Project Inclusion program! Sponsored by the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, Project Inclusion is a four-day, three-night program that allows student participants to break barriers and deal with biased behavior. Project Inclusion will take place from November 20 – 23, 2024 at the W.E. Skelton 4-H Educational Conference Center at Smith Mountain Lake. Note that staff members must arrive by 5:30pm on Tuesday, November 19 to begin an intensive overnight training prior to the students’ arrival on November 20.
A Mandatory Staff Orientation will be held on Tuesday, October 29 at 3:00pm over Zoom. At that event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the Project Inclusion program and ask any questions you have. It is extremely important that all staff be present at the orientation meeting. Please make every effort to attend.
During the Project Inclusion retreat, the program schedule will provide very few opportunities to access a cell phone or other technology. The VCIC emergency on-site phone number for the program is (804) 495-1580. Please share this number with those who may need to reach you, noting that it is only to be used in an emergency. Click here for a list of things to bring to Project Inclusion.
If you have questions prior to Project Inclusion, please reach out to VCIC’s Director of Educational Programs, Alejandro Prince, by phone at (804) 515-7950 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you to create a memorable and meaningful experience for your students!
The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities strives to make Project Inclusion as accessible and inclusive as possible while acknowledging the existence of external barriers that may prevent 100% accessibility. VCIC leans into our core values of integrity and openness as we work to provide the most accessible experience for all, while welcoming feedback about what we can do better.
Upon request made at least four (4) weeks before the event, VCIC commits to:
- Support any needs related to participants’ ASL interpretors or need for large print handouts.
- Support our host site kitchen staff in accomodating dietary restrictions

Volunteer Application
Please complete this form by November 1, 2024
Alejandro Prince
Director of Educational Programs
804-515-7950 ext. 104 | [email protected]